学习目标 :

1.识别单词: wore women actor told joke funny after show ready

2.学习语句: The man wore women’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot.

3.功能: 学习和使用动词过去式来描述过去的动作和状态;学习不同国家的文化。

4.教学用具: 多媒体、一些照片、单词卡片、句型卡片、教学挂图等。












(1)组织教学 当教师走上讲台后,有如下问候: Monitor: Stand up, please! Teacher: Good moring, class! Students: Good moring, teacher! Monitor: Sit down, please!

(2)然后把全班学生分成 A\B 两组,站到讲台前,请学生表演 Module 8 中的诗歌,A 组朗诵诗歌的第一、三段;B 组朗诵诗歌的第二、四段。如下: A 组:Do you agree, do you agree,  that there are monkeys in that tree? B 组:Yes, you are right. I do agree. Look very carefully, there are three. A 组:Do you agree, do you agree, that there are boats there in the sea? B 组:Yes, you are right. I do agree. There are boats, and there are three.

(3)同学们,下面这一节课我们学习Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot,并把它板书。


(1)教师拿出一张看演出的照片 同时对学生说: “ I went to the theatre with my friend last week.” 接着问学生:“What did you do last week? 随后让学生拿着自己准备的照片或图片到前面展示。

(2)接着老师将教学挂图贴在黑板上,并向学生说:“Let’s hear what did Lingling do last week.”以此引出新课文。


(1)播放课文录音两遍,利用多媒体呈现SB 第一单元活动1 的内容,同时让学生边听边看挂图。听过之后,老师让学生首先根据教学挂图,用自己的话描述图画中的人物和场景。接着从 A 组和 B 组中分别找几个学生起来回答,其余学生认真听,如下: Student A : Last week they went to a children’s theatre ,the actors told lots of jokes,they all laughed a lot,they love the theatre. Student B : Last week they visited a children’s theatre and they all laughed a lot beause the actors told lots of jokes. „„

(2)再次播放此录音,引导学生根据录音说说图片的内容,让Student E\ Student F\ Student G 等同学回答,同时,将事先写在卡片上的句子贴在黑板上: We went to a children’s theatre. The men wore women’s clothes.

(3)让A 组中的H\I\J\K 等4 名学生和B 组中的L\M\N\O 等4 名学生分别到讲台上将上面句子中的动词过去式用红粉笔描出来,然后用多媒体加以呈现。例如:“went,wore,told,was,laughed, ate ”。请学生拿出准备好的动词原形的卡片,然后让A组中的P\Q\R\S等4名学生和B组中的T\U\V\W 等4 名学生分别到黑板前,拿着动词原形的卡片贴在相应动词过去式的卡片下面。

(4)带领学生一起朗读黑板上所贴出的句子,读过几遍之后,老师将黑板上的句子顺序打乱,请学生回忆 Lingling 上周进行的活动,并将黑板上的句子重新排序。接着让 A 组中的X 学生和 B 组中的Y 学生同时到黑板两侧写出来,看看哪个组写的又快又好。

(5)接着出示SB 第一单元活动2 的挂图, 打开多媒体让学生听录音并跟读句子,同时老师要及时地纠正学生的语音语调。

(6)教学小结: 引导学生回顾本节课所讲的主要内容是:学习和使用动词过去式来描述过去的动作和状态,同时进一步了解英国的文化背景。


(1)接着,老师先让同学们打开配套练习册默读第34 页,第3 题所给出的单词,然后播放SB 第一的单元活动1 的录音,请同学们根据录音选词填空。学生填完后,再播放一遍录音,每句话后暂停,分别让A 组中的Z 学生和B 组中的a 学生重复录音内容,并一起核对答案。

(2)接着用多媒体展示该练习的答案,如下: Dear Daming, Last week we went to a children’s theatre. The men wore women’s clothes. The women wore men’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. It was very funny. We laughed a lot. English The women wore men’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. It was very funny. We all laughed a lot. We went to a restaurant after the show. We all ate hamburgers and chips. children love the theatre. After the show we went to a restaurant. We all ate hamburgers and chips. Are you ready for your trip to America? From, Lingling


1.“对对配”游戏: 教师将一些动词的原形和过去式分别做成卡片发给不同的学生,让学生根据动词原形找出相应的过去式形式,看看哪两个学生找得最快最准;

2. 以Daming 的身份用英文给Lingling 写封回信。 讲述自己上周的活动以及自己为即将到来的美国之行所做的准备。鼓励学生可配上插图,完成在全班展示。


Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot