

A. Hurry up!

B. I’m ready.

C. Let’s go!


A . Where are you?

B. This way, please.

C. Can I help you?

3.如果你想问袜子在哪里, 你应说:

A. Where is the socks?

B. Where are the socks?

C. What are the shoes?

4.如果你想建议对方一起去看看, 你应说:.

A. Let’s go.

B .Let’s go and have a look.

C. Your are right.


A. Who is it?

B. It’s my book.

C. Whose book is this?


A. Your school is nice!

B. Look! This is our school.

C. Welcome to our school!


A . Where are you?

B. This way ,please.

C. Can I help you?

8.如果你想问对方图书馆在哪里, 你应说:

A. Where is the library?

B. Go to the library.

C. What’s the library?

9.如果你想建议对方一起去看看, 你应说:.

A. Let’s go.

B .Let’s go and have a look.

C. Your are right.


A. Is this the music room?

B. Is that the music room?

C. It’s the music room?


What time is it?

Do you know? C. It’s time to go to bed.


A. Let’s go home B. Let’s go to school. C. This is our school.


A. Hurry up. B. eat it. C. Help yourself.

14. 别人夸你真美丽,你应说:

A. I’m not beautiful. B. Thank you. C. Yes. I am.

15. 想问别人毛衣的颜色可以问:

A. Where is your sweater? B. What colour is your sweater?

C. Whose is the sweater?

16. 你想了解某样东西是谁的,你可以问:

A. Who is it? B. Whose is it? C. Where is it?

17. 你想询问物品的颜色,你可以问:

A. What is it? B. What colour is it? C. Do you like blue?

18. 你想问那是什么?

A. Where is it? B. What is it? C. Whose is it?


A Is that your skirt? B Is that a shirt? C. Is this your skirt?


A.Is that a computer? B. Is that your computer?

C. Do you like computer?


A. Where is the music room? B. Is this the music room?

C. It’s the music room.