2. Learn the word: race

(通过龟兔引出race/ have a raec两词进行教学。)

3. Retell the story (Round 1)

师: There is an interesting story between Mr Turtle and Mr Hare. They have a race. Do you remember this story?


4. Learn the words: faster, slower

5. Learn the reason: We can’t be proud.

师:What can we learn in this story?

(每教完一个故事,便教导学生从中学到一个道理。中西方知识融会贯通。“骄傲使人失败”- We can’t be proud.)

C. Learn the new story of the text (Round 2)

1. Some questions about the second race.

师:There’s a second race between Mr Turtle and Mr Hare again. I have some questions about the second race. Let"s have a look.


2. Watch and listen.

3. Answer the questions.

4. Read together.

5. Read with the partner.

6. Act out the shorter story.

师:I think the text is so long. I have a shorter story about the second race. Let’s read and act out it.

(师把课文改编成只有6个句子的小短文,降低了act out的难度,让生顺利表演,体验成功之感。)

7. Learn the reason: Never give up.

D. Make a new story (Round 3)

1. Show the pictures about Round 3.
