
Make and play


1.知识目标:能听懂、会读、会说本课对话: What am I ? I’m „。 Are you „ ? Yes, I’m „。/ No, I’m not „。






cassette player



1. Sing a song

2. Daily talk


1. Ask and answer : (by doing the actions) . What’s he/she ? He’s /she’s a/an „ . What does your father do ? He’s „ . What does your mother do ? She’s „ .

What does your brother do ? He’s „ . What does your sister do ? She’s „ .

2. What are you ? I’m a student . Before asking these questions, review the words first . Have a dictation . e.g. postman ↗↘ p-o-s-t-m-a-n


1. Mime a postman /a cook , etc . Ask : What am I ? to elicit : You’re a „ from individual students . Then , say : Yes, I’m a „/ No, I’m not a „ .

2. Play the cassette . Students follow in their books .

3. Play the cassette again : Students listen and repeat .

4. Students practise in pairs by doing different actions .

四、Consolidatio n

1. Students look at the instructions in Make and play . Put the twelve pictures on your desk , face down .

S1 chooses a card , turns it over and starts acting . Don’t let S2 see the card .

S1 and S2 use the following dialogue to act and guess : What am I ? Are you a „ ? Yes , I’m a „ . / No, I’m not a „ .

2. Ask students to take out their pictures and practise in groups .

3. At this stage Grammar Practise Book 4A page 11 could be used to practice and consolidate the oral and written language used in this section further .

4. Make the picture cards by students themselves , play the game with their parents .


Make and play

What’s am I ?

Are you a policeman ?

Yes , I’m a policeman .

No , I’m not a policeman .