Step 1 Warm up and Revision


T:Class begins! Hello, boys and girls!

Ss: Hello, Miss liang!

T:How are you today?

Ss: I’m fine, thanks!

T:Nice to meet you!

Ss: Nice to meet you, too!


T: Boys and girls, today many animals come to our class. Say hello to them.

Ss: Hello! Hi!

T: Look at the picture, Can you tell me: What’s this?

S1: It’s a fish.

T: Very good! Look at the picture: What’s this?

S2: It’s an elephant.

T: Very good! Boys and girls, please pay attentation to a fish/an elephant, Ok?


T: Can you tell me any more animals? For example: lion, tiger …

Ss: lion, kangaroo, goat, tiger, fox, insect.

设计意图:一、二年级是英语兴趣培养的阶段,而三年级是英语习得的起始阶段,Greeting是每节课的必要环节。它既复习了以前的内容,又培养了学生运用英语进行交际的好习惯,还能增进师生的情感交流。其后,主要是复习Unit2中所学的句型 What’s this? It’s a/an … .来导入复习动物。Brainstorm环节主要是让学生快速说出认识的动物,利用这种方式将以前学过的语言运用起来,以滚雪球的方式越滚越大,同时以便在接下来的授课中使用。
