
PartB and PartC


1、 四会词: pies hamburgers chips noodles sweets

2、 三会词: sandwiches

3、 四会交际用语 What would you like ?

4、 三会交际用语Anything else ?


1、 教师准备生词卡片,实物图片,录音机等。

2、 教师准备一个小纸袋,内装一些本课学习所需要的食品。

3、 学生准备一些食品。




理解并运用How about you ? Anything else ?


Step one: Warming up.

1、 Let’s sing the song .

2、 Look at the big screen then act it out (教师可以采取评五角星的办法进行评价。)

Step two: Lead in

T: Good morning/afternoon , class . Today I have some food .Look , here they are .(出示小纸袋)

T: Hello , xx. What would you like ?

S: I'd like a hamburger .

T: Here's a hamburger .Here you are .

S: Thank you , Miss Zhang.

T: You are welcome .

(用同样的方法询问几个学生,然后导入新课---At a snack bar。教室领读课题)

Step three:Presentation

1、Lead in

T: Oh dear .I'm very hungry . Are you hungry ?

S: Yes .

T: Well , let's do some shopping . OK ? I'd like a hamburger . Hi, xx. What would you like ?

S1:I'd like a hamburger .

S2: I'd like a pie .

T: How about you , xx ?

S3:I'd like a sandwich..

(询问两、三个学生后,教师板书:What would you like ? How about you ?)

To learn the new words

T: Look , what's this ? (出示一个苹果派)

S: It's a pie .

T: Yes , it's an apple pie . Do you like this apple pie ?

S: Yes .

T: If you did good job. This apple pie is for you . Who wants this apple pie ? Hi ,xx. What would you like ? I have many food .Do you like ? Now ,guess. What's in my bag ?

(根据学生猜测,教师逐个出示hamburger、 sandwich )

用同样的方式引出新词教学:sweets 、chips 、biscuit 、noodles

T: Now , here are some food. Who can act a salesman ?

T: Well , I'm very hungry . I want something to eat .

S: What would you like ?

T: I'd like a hamburger .

S: Here you are .

Work in pairs .

2、 Play a game (教师带一个小袋,内装一些食品,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。) T: Here are some food .Guess what are these ? If you are right , you will get this .

S: Great .

T: What are these ? S:Sandwiches.

T: Yes . You are right ./ No , you are wrong .

3、To read the rhyme:What would you like ?

4、To learn the new expression: Anything else ?

T:Hi,…What would you like ?

S:I'd like a hamburger .

T:Anything else ? Do you want a sandwich? What else do you want ?

S:I'd like a hot dog .

T:Good . Here you are .

(板书新句,教学Anything else ?)

Step four: Practice

T:What would you like ?

S:I'd like a hamburger .

T: How about you ?

S: I'd like a hot dog .

T: Anything else ?

S:Some chips.

T:Here you are .

Ask the children to work in pairs.

Step five: Consolidation

1、 听录音,学说话。

2、 学生表演串联对话

3、 布置作业

(1) 抄写新单词

(2) 编演对话。


Unit 7 At a snack bar

What would you like ? I'd like a hamburger ./ chips.

How about you ? Sandwiches. /Noodles.

Anything else ? A pie/ Some sweets