一、Warming-up / Revision (2′)

T: Today is XX’s birthday. Let’s sing a song together.

Ss: OK. Let’s sing. Happy birthday to you!……

T: When is your birthday?

S1: 1月9日

S2: 10月12日

S3: 4月27日


T: Today we’ll learn “How to invite people to a party”。

二、Presentation (12′)

1、Ask and answer.

T: Please look at this picture, and then answer my questions.

Who are the girls? Who are the boys? What are they doing?

S1: This is Lisa, and this is Kate.

S2: That is Gao Wei. That is Peter.

S3: They are talking.

T: You are very clever! (奖励贴纸) Yes, they are talking. But what are they talking about?

S4: Lisa is giving a card to Peter. She wants to invite Peter to her birthday party.

T: You are a clcver girl! Then what is on the card? Do you know?

S4: Sorry, I don’t know.

2、Listen to the tape and answer.


②。T:Do you know what is on the card? What are they going to do? Please read by yourself and find the answers.

S1: There are some pictures on the card. 还写着Please come to my birthday party.

T: Good job! (奖励贴纸)

S2: They are going to celebrate Lisa’s birthday.

T: Very nice! (奖励贴纸)


T: October 20th is Lisa’s birthday. She wants to have a party. She wants to invite her good friends, Kate, Peter and Yand Ming to her birthday party. She is giving them cards. She wants to tell them the time and place of the party.

4、Listen to the tape again and repeat.

T: Now let’s listen to the tape once again, and then read after it for 2 times.

Ss listen and read.

5、Group work

T: You did very well! Now, each FOUR GROUP read this text together.

Eg: S1 will be Lisa, S2 will be Gao Wei, S3 will be Peter, and S4 will be Kate. After this, I’ll ask 4 groups to come to the front then performances. ONE, TWO, GO!

T sing a song“Are you ready?”

Ss: Sing“Yes, I am. Yes, I am.”

T: Boys and girls, which group wants to show you?


S1: I’m Lisa. S2: I’m Gao Wei. S3: I’m Peter. S4: I’m Kate.

S1: Hi, Peter, Gao Wei and Kate. I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.

S3: Cool.When is it?

S1: It’s on October 20th .Will you come to my party?

S3: Sure! I’d love to.

S1: What about you, Gao Wei? Will you come?

S2: What day is it on?

S1: It’s on Thursday.

S2: That’s good! I can come.

S4: I’ll come, too. We can celebrate after school.

S1: Yeah. My mum will come and pick us up.




T: Group 3 is the winner! (奖励贴纸) Congratulations.

教师出示自己过生日的“邀请卡”,诚恳地邀请班里的学生:My birthday is on October 20th. I’ll have a birthday party. Will you come to my party?

S1: Sure! I’d love to.

S2: Certainly.

S3: Thank you. I’d love to.

三、Practice (12′)


T: Whose birthday is it today?

S1: Today is my birthday.

Class: Happy birthday to you! Sing the song“Happy birthday to you”

S1利用教师准备好的“邀请卡”,表演对话: I’ll have a birthday party. Will you come to my party?

S2: Sure! I’d love to.

S3: Sure! I’d love to.


2、Play a game.

游戏“我先完成”:设计一张自己过生日的“邀请卡”,要求学生在规定的时间内完成,谁完成得快谁就是胜者。各组推选出一名优胜者,运用本课学习的语言知识, 邀请本组学生参加自己的生日聚会。然后限定时间,开展小组间送“邀请卡”的比赛。哪一组在规定的时间内送的人数最多,哪一组就是优胜者。

四、Assessment (12′)

Finish the activity book about the lesson.

五、Additional activities/Homework (2′)




2、Invite your friend to come to your party.