
1. Learning the new words in this Module:laugh cup understand mistake

2. Learning the sentences:

What’s the matter ?

Why are you laughing ?

It’s easy to make mistakes with English.


重点: the new words and the new sentences

难点: the new sentences


卡片, 录音机,杯子,帽子




(2) Find out the differences of the words.

The teacher is going to write pairs of words on the board. The teacher is going to say the words and the students have to listen to carefully and decide which words the teacher is saying.

leek-----lick pan----pin

tap------tip cup-----cap

big------pig head---had

设计意图:英语教学应注重知识的积累与复现,因此我们提倡教学以旧带新.因此在本环节中我利用magic eyes的游戏对本课将要用到或可能用到的同类词进行复习,帮助孩子巩固旧知,唤醒对知识记忆。

2. Presentation

(1) The teacher says:

Lots of English words’ pronunciations are very similar. So it’s easy to make mistakes with English. (learn the word “mis-take=mistake”and the sentence:It’s easy to make mistakes with English.).When we make mistakes, people will laugh ,( 教授单词laugh),because they don’t understand us(教授此单词)
