学习目标 :

Using Ability task :Students learn to use adjectives to compare objects;

And review the part of the body.

A.Basic Demands

Vocabulary: shoulder brown hand easy

Review:broken carry back buy heavy light really wheel

Sentences: Your bag is broken!

This black bag is nice. It’s big!

B.Revision The using way of adjectives.


掌握目标单词 carry, back, shoulder, brown, hand, 并能在实际情景中运用。




直观呈现法、小组比赛、 游戏教学法

教学具 :

tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.


Step 1 warming—up :

(1) Sing a song “Head shoulder knees and toes”

(2) Pointng game: T:(Stuents point nose) Nose nose ears. Ss point to nose. Competition to see who's ability to respond rapidly to bring the children to liven up lesson.

Step 2 Presentation :

1. Lead in T:I see with my eyes. I cry with my eyes. What about you? Let’s talk about our body: eyes, mouth, legs, ears,arms and so on with the sentence stucture “ I ? with my?”

2. Do a chant Eyes, eyes, my big eyes, I see with my eyes. Mouth, mouth, my small mouth, I eat with my mouth. Legs, legs, my long legs, I run with my legs. Ears, ears, my little ears, I listen with my ears.

Step 3. Practice :

T: (Shake the hands) My bag is heavy, I carry with my shoulder. T teaches new words “carry” “shoulder” T: My radio is heavy, I carry it with my hands. Ss try to make sentences.

Step 4 Learn the text:

(1) T: Today, Let’s learn our text about body.

(2) T: Now let’s use our English book and turn to page20, please look at the pictures and then try to say something?

Step4 Listen and Repeat.:

(1) Listen to the cassette and point.

(2) Listen and repeat, then T will explain some new words and important sentences for Ss . Explain: My bag=mine My bag is big.= Mine is big. Let students make sentences to handle them.

(3)边指边说 介绍自己的身体部位来复习巩固对事物描述性的表达,培养学生的语言 运用能力。不需要准备材料。只是让学生在表演前熟悉身体部分的表达。

老师做示范:This is my mouth. My mouth is big. I eat with my mouth. 接着老师要求学生在小组活动中相互谈论自己的身体部位, 然后让学生在台 前来边指边解说自己的身体部位及其功能(用)。

注:老师要引导学生创造 性的发挥和运用,如:I write with my hand. I play football with my feet I can write with my foot.等等。

Step 5 Home work:

(1)Listen and Read the text 3times.

(2) Do the Activity Book.

(3) Dictate the new words


M5u2 Mine is pink. With+ 名词