1. _____ handsome man called “Sa Beining” was _____ unusual person when he was ______ university student.

A. A, an, an

B. The, a, a

C. A, a, an

D, The, an ,a

第一个空格是特指这个男人Sa Beining,所以用the.第二和第三个空格是考察a和an的区别用法,an是用在发原音字母a,e,i,o,u的元音前,但只有字母U比较特殊,当字母U发自己本身音时,前面的不定冠词用a,除此以外我们都用an。

3, ---Who will go with you to watch the football match, your father or your mother?

---______ of them likes football. I have to go alone.

A. Either

B. Both

C. Neither

D. None

A选项的either表选择,意为两者中任意一个,注意谓语动词就近原则,Either you or I am to go。B选项的both意为两者都,与C选项的neither刚好是一对反义词,意为两者都不。D选项none指“(三个以上的人或物)中一个也不”。它既可指人也可指物,作主语或宾语,且后常接of短语。题目中只有爸爸和妈妈两个人,所以D不行。所以根据题意“爸爸和妈妈都没有去陪我看球,我只好一个人去了。”可以看出这里需要一个表示否定意义的词,即C选项的是正确答案。

4. All the teachers are asked to wear the white _____ shoes for the entertainment games on _____ day.

A. sports, Teachers’

B. sports, Teacher’s

C. sport, Teacher’s

D. sport, Teachers’

第一个空格考察的是名词作定语,名词作定语时一般用单数。名词复数形式作定语时有以下两种情况:a)有些只有复数形式的名词,比如clothes storegoods train。b)当manwoman

用于名词作定语时,修饰的名词是复数,manwoman也要复数形式。比如:women teachers。c) 复数名词的所有格作定语:three weeks’ training. 当然也有特殊情况,比如我们这题考察的sports, sports shoesmeeting, do sports.所以这一题选A.

6. ---Good news! The boy in our school broke the record of the boys’ 200- meter race.

---Wow! That is to say, nobody runs ______ him.

A. as quick as

B. more faster than

C. so fast as

D. more slowly than

本题考察的是形容词比较级的用法,A和C选项考察的重点是形容词原级用法,as+adj/adv+as, 和not as/so+adj/adv+as,考生特别要注意不要把so和as混淆;B和D考察的是形容词的比较级用法结构,more/less + adj./adv.原级+than…和adj./adv.,B选项中的more不能用来修饰adj.的比较级,而应该用much来形容表示程度。D选项的 slowly与题意不符。所以C是正确答案。还有一点fast即使形容词又是副词。

7. --- _____ I park my car here?

---No, you _____. Look at the sign. It says “No Parking!”


Must, needn’t

B. May, mustn’t

C. Should , needn’t

D. Would, can’t

这一题考察的是情态动词的用法,要求考生能够掌握情态动词之间的区别。Must, Should, May, Could

都可以用在一般疑问句中用来征求对方的意见。Must, Should语气比较强硬,意为“必须、一定”。而“May, Could”用在疑问句表示委婉的语气,含有请求和许可的意味。Must引导的疑问句,肯定回答为must,否定回答为needn’t。这一题的正确答案选B。