T: (教师继续操纵手偶说话) Don’t sit down./ Don’t stand up…

2. Have a rest. Tell a story.

T: Today I’ll tell you a story—The hare and the tortoise.

One day, the hare and the tortoise have a race in the forest. Look, this is the hare

and this is the tortoise.“One, two, go!” The hare runs and runs and runs.

T: Now, try to say and do like me: Run, run, run!

Ss: Run, run, run!

T: Yes. Good! But the tortoise can’t run fast. He can only move slowly. So the other animals shout to him, “Run, run, run!” (出现其他小动物为乌龟加油的画面) Look, the other animals shout. Now, say and do after me: shout,shout!

Ss: Shout, shout, shout!

T: What do they shout?

Ss: Run, run, run!

Step 3.Learn the Story Time.

1. Show a picture of library.

T: Where is it?

S: Library.

(出示课题:In the library) What happened? Let’s watch a cartoon.
