
人教版PEP小学四年级英语上册Uint2 What time is it? A Let’s learn





a.能够听、说、认、读本课时的主要单词和词组:music class, P.E. class English class , breakfast, lunch, dinner.

b. 能认读句型:What time is it?并做出相应的回答: It’s … It’s time for…

c.能听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.




难点是对新句型”what time is it? It’s nine o’clock.. it’s time for…”理解和运用。

六、教学准备: radio word cards VCD


Step 1: warm-up

a. boys and gils, first, Let’s count the number. From1 to 12.OK, Let’s begin.设计意图:复习数字,为新课时间表达做铺垫。

b. Now,I do the action,you say as quickly as you can .做手势,让学生快速反应。

c. Now, who want to be a teacher to teach the others. 让学生当老师,复习数字。

Step2: Presentation

a. boys and girls ,Look, what’s that? 指着后面的钟表。

It’s a clock. T: Yes .

T: What time is it? S:….. T: Today We’ll learn some knowledge about the time.

齐读课题 what time is it? Time 调读


b. look , I have a clock too. What time is it ? 用手拨弄指针。

T: Yes ,It’s nine o’clock. 板书 用手拨弄指针,进行多次练习,利用句型:what time is it? It’s…

Choose a student to practice the sentences。起示范作用。

One ask one answer .then exchange. practise in pairs.

c. Check your work 找几组起来练习,看看掌握情况。

d. Now, boys and girls ,Let’s sing a song. What time is it? Listen to the tape. Clap your hands.1 2 3 begin: good job .


e. Look ,what time is it now?出示钟表时间。大屏展示。

S: It’s seven o’clock..

T: It’s time for breakfast. 板书 breakfast 调读

Look ,what time is it now? S: It’s twelve clock.

T: It’s time for lunch. 板书 lunch调读

T: Look ,what time is it now? S: It’s six clock.

T: It’s time for dinner. 板书 dinner 调读


f.Boys and girls,Do you like English ? Do you like English class? We having English class now. English class板书调读

T: Boys and girls, Do you like sing and dance?

OK Let’s go to the music class. music class. 板书调读

T: Boys and girls,Do you like P.E. ? Do you like play football, jump and run .ok ,Let’s go to the P.E. class. P.E. 强调大写,并且还有两个点。

设计意图:利用生动活泼的动作,引出English class ,music class,P.E. class


Step 3 : Consolidation

a. listen to the tape and repeat. (twice)

b. read the words as quickly as you can . I point you read .

c. let’s chant .for example : breakfast breakfast breakfast It’s time for breakfast. …

d. 接句子练习。For example :

T: It’s seven o’clock.. S: It’s time for breakfast. Are you clear? Begin please .practise in pairs. Then choose some students to show .(这个练习是本课的一个难点,也是将所学内容的一个综合和提升)


e. look at “Let’s do”

The first time , just listen .

The second time ,Listen and try to do .

The third time , Let’s do together .

stand up 边说边做

Do the activity book

Step 4:Homework

Listen to the tape and read the words to your parents .


Unit 2 What time is it? A Let’s learn

What time is it?

It’s time for…. English class breakfast

music class lunch

P.E. class dinner



在活动教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。我设计活动要注重面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。我根据个人素质,性格特点,记忆力,反应速度等,在心中把每个班分成三组,因材施教,分层要求,以求最有效的激励机制促学生不断上进。 在激发他们的主动参与亲身实践中,培养他们的独立思考和合作探究的创新精神,实践能力,无形中调动学生的言语资料库。在实践中他们学会自我评价,由此产生的成就感又转化为无穷尽的学习后继力。