一、 教学目标(teaching aims)

1、 知识目标:


Bus stop railway station airport bus station by ship by train

By plane by bus by taxi winter holiday think of


a where are you going now?

b I am going to Hainan by plane.

c How are you going there?

d Are you going there by train?

2 技能目标:


二、 教学重、难点(key points and difficult points)

理解会用be going to 结构表达打算或计划。

三、 教具(preparations)


四、 教学过程(teaching process)

(一) 复习

1、 教师询问学生对即将到来的寒假有何安排,(what are you going to do in the winter holiday? How are you going there?)然后教师先说说自己的寒假安排:

The winter hoilday is coming soon, I am going to Hainan for it. Hainan is very beautiful city. I am going to there by plane. And I think I will have a good time there.

2、 教师用图片复习学习单词beach 、 beautiful 、 winter、 plane等词,并多读几遍加深印象。

(二) 新授(presentation)

1、 词汇、句型学习。

<1>教师说:I am going to Beijing by train.(出示图片) Now I am going to the railway station(出示图片)。

讲解:by train 是介词短语,by是介词,在交通工具前用,表示乘坐。

依次利用图片学习by bus、 by ship、 by plane(还可复习学习airport、 bus station、 railway station、 bus stop)

2、 对话教学。


a where is Zhangli going for holiday?

b How does she go there?

c Where is she going now,why?

<2>听录音并跟读(listen and repeat)

<3>组内自由读(read in pair)

(三) 巩固与练习(consolidation and practise)

1、 会话扮演(role play)

2、 游戏(教师在教室不同的位置上贴上不同地方的图及单词,如:学校、凤山公园、北京、海南、香港等,让一位同学选择一个地名,比如:Fengshan park, 让另一位同学说:“I am going to Fengshan park by bike./by bus.全班其他同学则说:He/she is going to Fengshan park by bike/by bus.依次练习)。

(四) 作业(homework)

1、 跟读课文对话。

2、 认读和抄写“四会”单词及短语。

3、 试用be going to 表达自己的打算或计划。