



1. Words and expressions

touch feel smell taste sweet sour hot

2. Sentence patterns

How does it smell/taste/feel?

Language Lab

根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。

Music Box




Difficult Points

1. 当shine解释为照耀时,它的过去时为shone;当它解释为擦亮时,它的过去时为shined。

2. 让学生能感悟寓言故事所传达的道理。

Developing Aims







本单元Disneyland 的内容是一首小诗The Wind,比较有趣且富有韵律,可以作为单词版块Wonderland教学的导入。Farmland版块是一般将来时“will”的句型教学。Grand Theatre是一则源于《伊索寓言》的小故事The Sun and the Wind。Language Lab是Grand Theatre的配套练习,可以结合在一起进行教学。教师可以适当补充适合五年级学生阅读的寓言故事,并鼓励学生在学习之后表达自己的看法和感悟。



1. 由Disneyland的小诗The Wind引入教学,请学生讨论Do you like windy days? What can we do on windy/rainy/sunny/snowy days? What weather do you like? Why? 等与天气有关的问题,在其中结合sky, wear, shine等与这一主题相关的单词教学。这些单词在发音和意义的理解上都比较简单,在之前的学习中也都有曾接触过。因此,本课的教学中,教师应当侧重于培养学生的听说能力,鼓励学生根据相关的主题说一段话,能表达一个比较完整的意义。

2. 版块中另几个单词可能比较难以结合在主题中,建议教师可以适时地巧妙地与课堂用语结合起来。比如,在依次请学生发表意见的时候,教师自然地引入 “Hi, Mary. It’s your turn.”。再比如,当老师说了笑话,或课堂中的某个环节正好引发了学生的笑声,老师就可以说 “So funny! All of us are laughing!”,从而引入laugh的教学。


1. 教学可以从学生曾经学过的be going to的教学开始。首先,可以组织学生先在组内或班内作调查,调查的内容可以是次日或周末整日的安排。

Sandy’s Plan for Sunday




With Whom

8:00 a.m.

get up



go shopping

Auchan Supermarket



have lunch



go for a picnic

Yangpu Park


2.教师通过提问: Where will Sandy be at 9:30 on Sunday? Who will Sandy go to the park with? 等等引入目标句型的教学。

3. 出示如电影票、航班时刻表等,请学生根据上面提供的信息说出电影将要开始/结束的时间,某航班将要出发/抵达的时间等。


1. 介绍故事的两个主人公the Sun and the Wind,请学生讨论:In your opinion, who is stronger? Why? 通过这个环节为本课的教学作好铺垫。

2. 学习故事的过程可以包括听、跟读、表演,练习,使学生能充分理解与掌握故事的内容。在请学生表演这一环节中,教师可以采用列出main points或key words的方式,鼓励学生进行表演,而不仅仅是朗读。

3. 告诉学生太阳和风都各有各的长处,我们每个人也都有各自的优缺点,请学生讨论同学有哪些优点,自己可以向别人学到些什么。


The farmer and the snake

One day, a farmer found a snake in the field. It was frozen. The farmer put it in his clothes. After some times, the snake grew warmer and warmer. Suddenly, it bit the farmer. The farmer cried, “Ah, why do you bite me? I save your life!” But it was too late to say the words. The farmer died soon.

The fisher and a golden fish

Long long ago, there was a poor fisher lived along the seaside. As his wife was a selfish and lazy woman, the poor guy had to fish all day long to make a living with thin support. Until one day, he happened to find a dieing golden fish on the beach and then gave it a hand. The fish began to talk suddenly, “You helped my life, as a reward, I can help you fulfill any dream.” After shocking, fisher said: “Fine, full my net with fishes." To his surprise, it’s done! He rushed to home and told his wife the story.

“You’re such a nut!” she creamed, “Why didn"t you ask for money and big house? We need to be rich!" The fisher had no way but returned to the sea. “Golden fish....my fairy...could you please give me more money and house?” The golden fish appeared and let him get everything as he asked for.

Again and again, the fisher family asked and asked. But the wife was too greedy and would never be satisfied. She asked her husband to catch the golden fish and feed it at home, so she could order it anytime. But this time, she lost it. The fisher called the fish thousands of times, no reply any more. Unfortunately, when he went back home, everything disappeared except the mad woman......


Grand Theatre中的对话主要是围绕School Rules展开的,课文中没有出现新的词汇,因此在听课文内容学习后,教师用Language Labzhong 问题来检查学生是否理解课文内容, 然后阅读课文。阅读后教师可以让学生提出问题,课文中有这样一句话:Oh, my! We have so many musts and mustn’t.教师不必直接用母语解说, 让学生讨论, 根据上下文的意思来猜猜句子中musts and mustn’t意为什么。( 即school Rules)

教师可以针对学生对作业有很多看法的事实,提出话题,让学生自由讨论,Must we do our homework every day? Why or why not?

学生分组讨论后可以分正、反两方进行辩论,(debate)让学生通过辩论,思考每条规则之所以制定的原因, 一方面进行话语训练,另一方面为写的训练作了准备。



请勿触摸!Hands off! 闲人勿入!No entry!

保持干燥。Keep dry! 小心慢行!Keep slow!

请勿照相!No photos! 前方学校请慢行。Slow, school

谢绝参观!No visitors! 对号入座!Seat by number!

此池塘禁止游泳,垂钓 No bathing, fishing allowed in this pond!

Teaching Aims:

To understand the meaning of the key word and phrases: quarrel, give off, and make sb do sth.

To understand the whole story.

To make a new story.

To know “Everybody has his own strong and weak points”.


To broaden the students’ mind while studying.

Materials: Multi-media, exercise paper.








A chant.

Talk about the story. ( The lion and the mouse)

T: Do you remember this story about the lion and mouse?

S: Yes.

T: When the lion is caught, who helps him? How to help him?

S1: The mouse helps him.

S2: The mouse bites the net.

T: In this story the mouse saves the lion. The mouse is small. But he is stronger.



While-task procedure

Learn the new word:


Listen and watch.

T: Today we’ll learn a story about the sun and the wind. In this story who is stronger, the sun or the wind? Let’s learn, ok?

S: Ok.

T: Let’s listen and watch.

Learn the word:

quarrel/quarrel with

T: What are they doing in the sky?

3. Make some sentences with quarrel/quarrel with.

3. Read the paragraph 1


2. 拓展词组,使学生灵活运用所学的词汇。

Learn the new phrases.

give heat

give off/give out lots of light and heat

Read a passage.

T: Who is stronger, the wind or the sun?

Ss: The wind. The sun.

T: Who thinks the wind is stronger? Why?

S1: I think the wind is stronger. Because he helps me fly the kite.

S2: I think the wind is stronger. Because he blows hard.


T: Who thinks the sun is stronger? Why?

S3: I think the sun is stronger. Because he is very large.

T: Ok, let’s read a passage about the sun. What can the sun do?

Talk about the sun.

S4: The sun can shine.

S5: The sun can give us heat.

S6: The sun can give off lots of light and heat.

Learn the phrases and catch the meaning.

T: Smell the noodles. What do the noodles give off?

S1: They give off a good smell.

T: We can also say they give out a good smell.

T: What gives off/give out a good smell, too?

S2: The chicken gives off/ gives out a good smell.

T: The sun gives off lots of light and heat. What gives off light and heat, too?

Ss: The match, the star, the light, the fire…


2.创设生活情景,让学生感知give off 的意思,同时拓展give out.

Learn the new phrases.

take off

make sb do sth

1. Listen to the paragraph 2 of the story. Talk about what the sun and the wind will do.

T: The sun gives off light and heat. The wind blows hard. Who is stronger? So they decide to have a match? Now let’s listen what will they do?

S1: They will make the man take off his coat.

Learn the new phrase: take off

T: Suppose it’s hot now. I will take off my coat.

S2: It is turning sunny. I will take off my raincoat.

S3: I will take a bath. I will take off my coat.


T: Suppose it’s cold now. I will put on more clothes.

S4: It’s cold. I will put on a hat.

3. Learn the new phrase: make sb. do sth.

T: Let’s play a game by using this phrase: make sb do sth.

T: (To S1) You give the instruction. For example: XXX, mop the floor. (To S2) You do the action. I will say the complete phrase.

4. Read the paragraph 2.


2.由take off 引出新词组:put on,达到新旧知识的整合。


Try to get meaning of paragraph 3,4

Act.(Who can make the man take off his coat? )

T: Who can make the man take off his coat? Let’s try first, ok?

Ss: Ok.

T: I will be the man. If you are the wind, what will you do? If you are the sun, what will you do?

Fill in the blanks.

3. Read the paragraph 3, 4


Post-task activities

1. Show the whole story.

Read the story.

Answer the questions according to the story.


2. Try to make a new story.

Prepare a new story.

(Let the man put on the clothes.)

T: The sun is stronger. But I think the wind is stronger, too. Because who can make the man put on his coat? Let’s make a new story about the sun and the wind.


T: So everybody has his own strong and weak points. In our class who is stronger?

S1: Alice is stronger. Because she can dance and sing well.




Listen and read this story.

Retell the story.


Material 1: A chant:

Big, big, big,

Bigger, bigger, bigger,

Elephant is bigger.

Small, small, small,

Smaller, smaller, smaller,

Mouse is smaller.

Fat, fat, fat,

Fatter, fatter, fatter,

Pig is fatter.

Thin, thin, thin,

Thinner, thinner, thinner,

Monkey is thinner.

Weak, weak, weak,

Weaker, weaker, weaker,

Lamb is weaker.

Strong, strong, strong,

Stronger, stronger, stronger,

Lion is stronger.

Material 2: A passage about the sun:

Hi, children. I’m Mr. Sun. I am a large star, but very far from you. In the morning I rise in the east and shine in the sky. I give you heat. I keep you warm, and let the plants grow up. I can give off lots of light and heat. On the earth everyone loves me very much. I feel very happy.

Material 3: Fill in the blanks:

“I will try first,” says the wind. “Who, who,” he ________________. The man doesn’t _______________.

“Now it’s my turn,” says the sun. “What will you do?” asks the wind. “I will____________and _______________,” the sun answers. He gives off ________________. The man _________________.

Material 3: Questions:

What are the sun and the wind doing in the sky?

What will the wind and the sun do to the man?

Does the wind blow hard or not?

What does the sun give off?

Who is stronger, the wind or the sun?


我所教学的是New Century English 5A Unit 10 Grand Theatre The sun and the wind 的内容。我教的对象是五年级的学生,这个班我已带了多年,他们有着活跃的思维和丰富的想象力,乐于说和做。因此本节课中我根据本班班级学生英语学习能力的实际,努力让学生在自主探究中学习本课知识,力图体现摆脱以“课本为中心”的做法,在落实教材基本要求的基础上,适当“拓展相关资源,促进英语学习”的新课改思想。

首先我从学生已学的狮子和老鼠的寓言故事引入,创设情景,让学生初步感知stronger的含义,为本课情感和语言上的拓展作好铺垫。其次,在基础知识方面我设计了一些拓展,比如说拓展了词组:put on ,give out, quarrel with,还拓展了一篇有关太阳的阅读文章。为学生提供更多的语言量来谈论太阳,自主获得知识。在能力方面,以表演的形式为主,让学生自编自演,让他们在交流中,相互倾听,相互启发,借鉴,拓展思维,通过发散性思维,广泛联想,共同完成学习任务,最终体会得出Everybody has his own strong and weak points.的道理。最后联系到自班实际谈谈谁是stronger, 从课本向课本外延伸,从在培养学生综合运用知识的能力的同时,促进学生主动发展,合理地开发与利用教材情感资源,激发学生的深层思考,使学生在一定的语境中,知识,能力,情感三位一体,和谐发展。