

(1)熟练掌握和运用单词:mine, yours, hers, his。

(2)能够运用It’s mine/ yours/ his/ hers.和whose… is this?句型谈论和询问物品的所属关系。


能正确表达物品的所属关系。 能够模仿标准的语音语调朗读课文,通过有声阅读,培养学生的阅读能力。




理解mine,yours,his,hers 的意义及用法。 结合课文理解Don’t argue. What’s the matter?的意义及所运用的语境。


点读笔(听并模仿跟读课文) 多媒体课件



1、Greeting with the students.

T:Hello, boys and girls. I hope we’ll have a good time. This is a line. Line 1.Line 2…。 I say line 1, you stand up, please.

This is Group A, You are Group B.

2、Watch a cartoon.(通过观看动画歌曲,复习形容词性物主代词)

二、Lead in.

Look! This is my coat. It’s mine. 板书课题并学习:“mine”


T:Here’s a red T-shirt. Whose T-shirt? Look at this picture. What can you see?

They are arguing. Look at the picture, look at their faces.

They are very angry and hold a red T-shirt. So, they are arguing about a red T-shirt. Let’s check.(有声阅读第一段)

Sam thinks this T-shirt is his.,he said “It’s mine.” Amy thinks this T-shirt is hers.,she said “ It isn’t yours.It’s mine.”

(粘贴句子并利用课件展示连读)跟老师做动作,男女生分角色齐读 老师示范I’m Sam. Where’s my T-shirt? Oh.It’s mine. This time, please use your red T-shirt.

Pair work

They are arguing.

Their mum(Ms Smart) heard and said “Don’t argue.” What’s the matter? ”(点读示范发音)

Amy said “Sam took my T-shirt, he wants to wear it.”(书写) (课件展示连读,点读示范发音)

Sam said “It isn’t hers ,(粘贴)it’s mine(书写)” (课件展示连读,点读示范发音) Amy said “It isn’t his(粘贴) ,it’s mine”(书写)

Whose T-shirt is this? Look at Picture 2 ,what can you see? Listen to the dialogue.(第二段)

Mum said “Your red T-shirts are on the line.” What did Ms Smart do? Yesterday their T-shirts are very dirty. So Ms Smart washed them. Did she wash lingling’s T-shirt? Why? Because Lingling didn’t play basketball yesterday. Lingling’s T-shirt is clean.

So this is Lingling’s T-shirt. What should they say to Lingling.?

四、Look and listen to Part3.

1.Watch the cartoon of Unit 1

2.T: Good job! Now open your books, let’s imitate.(Listen and repeat.)


3.学生自由练习,It’s your turn now.

五、Summary and homework.

You should think over when you meet a difficult thing rather than arguing .


1. Read and try to recite the dialogue.

2. Write and remember the words “mine, yours, hers, his”。