姓名: 成绩:


一、 根据听到的内容,选择单词。(10分)

( )1、A. men B. man C. map D. sun

( ) 2、A. make B. book C. look D. cook

( ) 3、A. many B. woman C. can D.ten

( ) 4、A. card B. car C.park D. hard

( ) 5、A. hurt B. clerk C. picture D. doctor

( ) 6、A. pop B. help C. hotel D. sleep

( ) 7、A. quick B.quiet C. sock D. clock

( ) 8、A. quickly B..slowly C. quietly D. loudly

( ) 9、A. evening B. easy C. everyone D. east

( )10、A. camera B. careful C. Canberra D. can


( )1、where is the man?

A. At home. B、 In the library .

C、 In a shop. D、In the restaurant.

( )2、What does the man buy?

A、 a blouse. B、 a T---shirt.

C、 a skirt D、 a sweater.

( )3、What colour does the man like?

A、Blue B、Red C、Yellow D、 Black.

( )4、How much is the shirt?

A、 Eight yuan B、 Eighteen yuan .

C、 Eighty yuan D、 Twenty-eight yuan.

( ) 5、 Is the shirt expensive.

A、 Yes ,it is. B、 No, it isn‘t. C、 No,it is . D、 Yes, it isn’t.


( )1、A. You can look a book. B. you can read a book, not a picture

( ) 2、A.You can look out the window. B. You can read out the window.
