






A. He is an artist.
B. It’s near the school.
C. Yes, we are.
D. She goes to work by car.
E. I’m going to HongKong

1.Where is the museum, please?(

2. How does Li Lin go to work?(

3. Where are you going this weekend?(

4. What does your father do?(

5. Are you going to the bookstore?(


1. Let’s _________ for the coin, Gogo.


2. _____he ever take the subway to school?


3. What______you______, Gogo? I bought a carton of ice-cream.


4. Tony _____ a taxi to school yesterday.


5. What are you________, Gogo? About hiking.


6. Do you like ________? Of course.


7. Tony is good_____ ice-skating.


8. Today is Tony’s birthday, he must_____ very happy.


9. I go shopping ________ a month.


10. How ____ is the hat, Tony? 100 yuan.


四、判断正(T) 误(F)

An English student went to a city in Australia to study. He walked around the city to look for a warm room.One evening he was walking along the street with a map. He saw a small board in the window of a house.The word“Room ”was on it。“What a nice room it is!”he said, “the window are in the south side。The sun will come into the room during the day. I like it. But he was wrong.The sun is always in the north in the city. Do you know why?


1. The English student went to Australia for a trip.()

2. He knows the city very well.()

3. The sun is always I the north in that city.( )

4. He liked the room because he thought the sun would come into the room during the day.()

5. The English student was wrong because the city is near the south end of the earth.( )