

2、使学生会使用 “Wh-” 提问,获取相关信息。





Pre-Task Preparation

1. Sentence dictation

1) I like fruits very much, and they are healthy.

2) I had an egg and a cake for breakfast this morning.

3) Ice-cream is my favourite food.

4) Have you had a lot of candies?

5) He eats a lot of vegetables every day.

2. Ask students to find out the food that have appeared in the five sentences. Elicit other food they have already known.(milk, hamburgers, French Fries, cheese, fish, prawn…..)

3. Ask the students to identify what is good food and what is bad food by step 2.

4. Now we are going to read some more information about good food and bad food.

While-Task Procedure

1. Play the recording : Look and read for the first time and students follow in their books.

2. Play the recording for the second time and students read after it.

3. Students read the five sentences in Answer true/false and decide if they are true or false. Encourage the more able students to rewrite the false statements into true statements.

4. Listen to the teacher: I eat a lot of vegetables, some meat and plenty of fruits every day, so I have a good diet. A good diet is a lot of vegetables, some meat and plenty of fruits every day, so I have a good diet. Give students 2 minutes to make as many sentences as they can in this way.

5. Give students 2 minutes to read “Read, write and say”. Students put forward questions by themselves and invite their classmates to answer their questions.

6. Play the recording: Read, Write and say twice.

7. Give students 3 minutes to finish the table on the book.

8. Divide the students into pairs. Ask them to find out what their partner ahs eaten this week. Encourage them to use the modeled dialogue on Page 48.

9. Students comment on their partner’s diet.

10.Invite some pairs of students to report in class whether their partners have a good diet or not.

Post-Task Activity

WorkBook 6A page 25



1. Recite New Words

2. Grammar Practice Book 6A page 40

3. Test Two

二 、学生活动的组织

这堂课比较集中的活动是让学生通过听、读、说、写来形象地记忆单词及达到灵活运用一些固定搭配。在Pre-Task Activity中第一步,通过让学生听写句子当场反馈,来检验学生记忆单词的情况,同时也是对学生语感的培养(每节课必做)。由句子中出现的有关食物的单词来引出课题。

在While-Task Activity中由于之前就已经教授了很多常用的“食物”的单词,所以这里的重点是让学生能灵活造句,连字成句。由教师先做示范,学生进行模仿。再通过小组活动扩大学生锻炼空间给予其更多与同伴交流学习的机会。由学生对其伙伴的饮食做了点评,将德育自然地融入于课堂教学中。

三 、教师评价课堂

此堂课的目的是扩展学生有关食物的词汇,并能明确哪些食物对健康有益,培养学生养成良好的饮食习惯。通过课堂的听说读写操练来渗透隐性教育。我在扩展学生词汇上做的还可以(利用多媒体图片十分形象),在学生口语操练上涉及的面还不广,参与活动的学生有局限性。今后我要给更多的学生回答问题的机 会,帮助大家提高自信。加强对薄弱学生的课堂活动指导和帮助。

四 、反思

教师的注意力容易被积极举手回答问题的同学所吸引,这样容易忽视一些内向的学生或薄弱的学生。因此这堂课学生的参与率还仅限于愿意回答问题、积极回答问题的学生们。忽略了对一些内向的学生或薄弱的学生的课堂活动指导。因此在今后的教学活动中,我在课堂教学活动的设计和指导上要多花心思,吸引更多的学生参与 进来。