一、  给予角色,激发活动兴趣 1.师幼问好:Say good morning to the teacher. Ok I’m miss shen . I’m

glad to see you. What’s you name? 2.0H,today I’m very happy .let’s do some

sports with me? 带领幼儿运动jump run walk swim 3.I’m very tired ,let’s have a rest

ok? Go back to your seat. 二、  学习单词 1.学习house 1.look what’s this? House

齐读几遍,look at my mouse,分解读音。配以有节奏的词读house .one by one. 2.学习短语: what lolour? Yes

,red house.读几遍,let’s play a game ok?迷迷转,转到谁谁来说短语。变调读。 3、累加迁移经验: “yellow house

lue housegreen house” 4、巩固短语:变换速度读。 三、  学习句型: 1、   示范:now, close you

eyes,摸摸头“good” 2、   oh look, where is mummy? Yes ,I’m in the red house. 3、  [中国:]

Please ,call me. 跟老师说句型。换一个房子练说句型。 1、   who wants to be try? Ok,

let’s call****** 幼儿回答“I ’m in the blue house.” 2.I’m in the green house. I’m in

the yellow house 3.选择自己喜欢的房子进入。 Which house do you like ,when the bell ring you

can go . 4.听指令进入房子。 5、给颜色宝宝。 Look ,this is colour babies, which do you like?
