


1. Learn the words: hospital, station, stop, hill, past并能正确认读这些单词.同时熟练掌握词组going up , going down, going past并能在句子中运用.

2.学习主要功能语句The train is going up a hill. It’s going down the hill. It’s going past the hill. It’s stopping at the station.简单描述事物行进路线,并能根据提示看懂能画路线图.

3. 通过本课的学习加强团队合作意识,增强学生学习的自信心, 从而培养学习英语的兴趣.

重点主要功能句going up , going down , going past, stopping at the station的操练与运用.难点1.准确描述事物的行进路线 关键大量操练与适时归纳总结


教师教学课件, 图片等.




2.Chant: up ,down

Ss: Chant and do the actions.


1. Learn the word : hospital

T: We should do more excise everyday, because of H1N1. And if you have got a fever , you should go to the hospital first. That’s just a suggestion of mine.

T: Show the word and the picture of hospital. 把图片粘到黑板上并同时板书单词hospital

Show the train and say:

T: Take out a train and say, I’ve got a present for you, look, what’s this?

It’s a train. Now, the train is going up a hill. 边说边在黑板上进行演示.

Ss; Learn the word ,hill

T: Can you see another word from this word?

Ss: ill

T: 板书课题并说, Today let’s learn Module 8 Unit1 The train is going up a hill. 让我们跟随小火车去旅行.


Listen , look and remember the route. Ss: Listen and remember.T: Show the word , station, Show another picture of Dalian train station.Ss: Try to guess what’s meaning about “station”.

Ss: Try to answer .T: 用小火车边演示, 边说句子. 出示另一座小山,伸出自己一根手指并说, look ,this is a train now, the train is going up a hill. Can you try ?Ss: 让学生们伸出手指一指.

T: 告诉同学们,我们小火车要提速了

Ss: Do and say quickly .

T: 同样方式学习The train is going down the hill.


1.Listen and draw:

T: 小猴子其其也很喜欢旅行, 这是他的依次旅行经历, 请你帮他画出路线图.

Ss: Listen and draw.

2.Choose a route:

T: 其其又开始他的新旅行了, 请你帮他选择一条去汽车站的路.

3.Look and say:

T: Show the pictures .

Ss: Look and say.

4.T: 其其肚子疼,要去医院你还记得去医院的路线图吗?

T: 最后,他要原路返回,你能说说路线吗?



2. Homework

设计意图: 自编说唱,复习up ,down 的同时,调动学生学习积极性,同时为下一步学习作好准备.


Answer the questions, and learn the sentences:

T: First , where is the train going?

Ss: 小组内选择说一说,并要说明理由。

T: 还有没有其他途径?