Step2.Presentation and practice

1.(Show a bird)Introduce"Billy".

2.Teach and learn:How are you?/Fine,thank you.

(1)Billy asks Nancy:How are you?

Follow me and practice:How are you?

(2)Nancy answers(listen to the tape):Fine,thank you.

(3)Practice in pairs.



(1) T holds up two fingers (the two fingers are opposed)

Finger 1: Hi, How are you ?

Finger 2: Fine ,thank you .

(2) Follow me and practice:Hi, How are you ?

Fine ,thank you .

Practice in pairs .

4.Learn to say:Fine,thank you.And(how are) you?

a.Billy:Hi,how are you?

Wang Bing:Fine,thank you.And you?

Billy:I'm fine,too.

b.Read after the T.

c.Ss say and do.

5. Let’s sing (Tune /tju:n/ 调子:《Two tigers 》)

歌词:How are you? How are you? Fine,thank you. Fine,thank you.

And you? And you? I'm fine,too. I'm fine,too.(利用加花游戏)

6.Ball game

When student get the ball she(he)must answer teacher's question

"How are you?"