
a) 单词:go、have、buy、call、use、borrow、watch和listen

b) 词组: have a ticket、go to the park、buy a book、call my friend、use a computer、borrow your money、watch TV、listen to a song

c) 句型:----Can I (have a peach)? ----Sure. Here you are. / Yes, you can. / No, sorry. / No, you can’t.



a) 学生能理解并能运用新学单词和词组。

b) 学生能结合新授词组来进行句型的训练,学会如何请求他人允许自己得到某种事物或做某事。

c) 学生能正确运用句型:Sure. Here you are. /Yes, you can.. / No. Sorry. / No, you can’t.来回答别人提出的请求。


a ) 学生能灵活运用“Can I (have a peach)?”语言结构来请求他人允许自己得到某种事物或做某事,并能运用“Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. / Sure. Here you are. / No, sorry.”进行回答。

b)学生能听懂老师在课堂引入部分给出的英语动画片段《Pluto’s Week》。


d) 学生能听懂教师的课堂指令及简单的课堂用语并做出相应的反应。

e) 学生能根据图片提示描写连环画故事《Gogo’s happy week》,并能正确朗读所学连环画里内容。


a) 在教师创设的情景和游戏中,学生逐步学会观察、发现和实践,并逐步学会感知知识,感悟语言功能。

b) 通过游戏与活动,学生逐步养成注意倾听,积极发言,积极思考的习惯。



a)在课堂的竞赛和Exercise Time中开展小组活动,学生能与其他同学积极配合和合作,培养学生的合作能力。

b) 在Show Time 中,以小组的形式上台展现连环画对话,学生能在活动中敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误,同时让学生能在活动中体会到英语学习的乐趣。




b) 学生能在课堂的模拟交际中,初步的注意到中外文化的交际异同。


a)学生能理解并能认读单词、词组:have, go, buy, call, use, borrow, watch, listen,have a ticket, go to the zoo, buy a book, call my friend, use a computer, borrow your money, watch TV, listen to a song.

b)学生能在真实情境中熟练运用目标语句“Can I(have a peach)?”。


a) 学生能理解、认读与运用词组:have a ticket, go to the zoo, buy a book, call my friend, use a computer, borrow your money, watch TV, listen to a song

b) 学生能理解与运用“Sure. Here you are. ”与“Yes, you can.”。


1、情境教学法:结合教学内容与学生的生活实际,本课时设计了Gogo一周发生的事情来串联整个教学过程,并创设了购物的小情景,让学生运用句型“Can I …?”与重点词汇进行模拟购物,以达到帮助学生体会语言与掌握语言的目的。

2、游戏教学法:设计各种有趣的游戏帮助学生掌握单词与运用对话,寓教于乐。例如第一课时,教师设计了paper scissors stone、smashing a golden egg和Big Big Eyes三个游戏,目的是让学生在轻松愉快的游戏氛围中操练与掌握目标单词和句型。





Steps Teacher’s activities Purposes


1. Greetings.

2.Have Ss sing a song----Days of the week

3. Divide the class into three groups:Group 1----the frog, Group 2----the pig ,Group 3---the cat. And show Ss the rules of competition---- The group which can get more tickets of the Disney Land is the winner, then the group members can get some presents. 步骤1至2:通过Greetings和歌谣既能活跃课堂气氛,又能自然的引入星期的复习。



1. Create the scene that Gogo shows his friend----Pluto.

2. Ask Ss to watch the video about Pluto’s week.

3.Have Ss listen what does Ploto say “Hi,I'm Pluto! I have a ticket of the Disneyland. If you can show me your week, here is the ticket for you!”

4.Present the new phrase “have a ticket” by CAI. Then guide Ss to learn and read the phrase “have a ticket”。

5. Guide Ss to ask “----Can I have a ticket?” Then present the new structure: ----Can I have....?----No. Sorry.) 步骤1至2:以孩子熟悉的朋友Gogo来作为引入,让学生更轻松融入课堂。同时通过迪士尼英语动画Pluto’s week作为导入来调动学生的学习兴趣。


Presentation(1) (new words and the sentence pattern)

1.Have Ss listen the coversation about Gogo’s happy week.

2.Reward Ss a ticket for helping Gogo talk about his week. In this part, present the structure: Sure. Here you are. And have Ss understand this structure by the body language.

3.Ask Ss to read the structure: ---Can I have a ticket?--- Sure. Here you are. 步步骤1:先从听力入手,以一个整体的故情节对话呈现,让学生有一个整体体的的认知,为后面解学习单词和句句型做好铺垫。



1. Use the game” Smashing a golden egg” to Practice the sentence structure: ---Can I have...? ----No. Sorry. \Sure. Here you are.

1.Show Ss the rules of this game.

2.Make the model:First take out the present bag , next have S1 take out one thing

then guide Ss to ask: Can I have...? and at last S1 choose one egg on the CAI, look at the CAI, if the egg show the happy face , S1 can get the present, if it is the sad face, S1 can’t get the present. 2. 通过砸金蛋的游戏来训练句型:----Can I have ...? ----No. Sorry. \Sure. Here youare.

Presentation(2) (new words and the sentence pattern)

(一)Ask Ss to help Pluto ask: Can I ....?

1. First, with the help of CAI, guide the Ss to read “borrow”and ask “Can I borrow...?”。

2. Then guide Ss to get more try“borrow your money” or “borrow your pencil”。

3. Reward Ss a ticket for getting the happy face with the answer of “Sure. Here you are.”

4.The same way for the new words and phrases: buy, buy a book; use, use a computer.

(二)Reward Ss to Go to Pluto’s house.

1.Present the new word and phrase: go , go to the park.

2.Have Ss play the guessing game: Guess what can you do in Pluto’s house?

3. Insert a hyperlink to link to information about a task.

4. Guide Ss to distinguish the use of “Yes, you can” and the use of “Sure. Here you are.

In this part. teacher can present the new words and phrases: go , go to the park ;call, call my friend;watch,watch TV; listen, listen to a song.

活 活动一:通过帮Pluto来问问题的的形式产生信息差,以一种有趣的形方式呈现新单词的教授,同时还能对上一步步所学的句型结构进行训练和和巩固。

活动二:通过Go to Pluto’s house.这一过渡词来自然引入go的教授。同时通过猜的游戏来设计悬念,让学生有参与课堂的积极性,在相应的每个单词新授训练过程中老师特意设计一环节来让学生区分Sure. Here you are.和Yes, you can.的运用。


Play the games

1.Guide Ss to play Game1:Paper Scissors Stone

e.g: borrow,borrow, borrow your money

2. Guide Ss to play Game 2:Big Big Eyes:First,ask Ss to read out the key phrases by CAI. Next, guide Ss to use “Can I .. ?”to play this game.


步骤2:用Big Big Eyes的游戏来操练本节课所学的重点句型:Can I ...?

Extension (一)Exercise time----Show students’ happy week.

1.Have Ss fill in the blank according to the picture.

2.Ask Ss to stick the picture in the correct order with the group members.

3.Have Ss read out the happy week in the group.

(二)Show Time

Have some groups show and read out their passage. 活动一:通过拼图连环画的方式减轻学生的学习负担,而且也起到提高学生的合作能力效果。



1.Ask Ss to read the words for 3T.

2.Have Ss draw a picture about your happy week. 利用所学单词以及句型,通过特色作业反馈学生对课堂所学内容的掌握情况。


a)在Game time----Smash a golden egg中检测学生否能用本课时所学的重点句型Can I have...?来进行简单请求对话。

b) 在Help Pluto ask环节中检测学生是否会运用句型:“Can I...?” 来结合新授单词进行简单的请求对话。

c) 在Go to Pluto’s house环节中检测学生是否能正确运用句型 Yes, you can./Sure. Here you are./No, you can’t./No. Sorry.来回答别人提出的请求。

d) 在Exercise Time环节中检测学生对本课时所学知识点的整合能力和小组的合作能力。

e)在Show Time中检测学生能否具备口语情景表达能力。