
Step 1、Warm up

---- Free talk

T:Hello, Chilren I’m Shevy , nice to meet you .

Ss : Nice to meet you too .Shevy!

Retell the story about unit 6, ask some questions about unit 6

(多媒体出示Gogo 和turtle)

T : Who’s faster ? Gogo or the turtle ?

S1: The tretle is faster .

T :Why ?

S2: Gogo ate all the cookies .

S3: Gogo felt asleep .

T: Yes , so the turtle did the best ,at last won the game .


( 出示多媒体,让学生说: Try my best ,I can win )

T:So whatever we do things try my best, I can win.


Ss: Try my best , I can win!


T: You’re so clever , now let’s have some practices about unit 6\7 I say big you say bigger . and stand up .
