Teaching Plan

Contents BOOK3-Unit 2 What can you see?
Teaching focus 认识三种动物(猴子,小鸟,青蛙),学会用英文表达, 并会对动物的提问what can you see? 做出相应回答I can see a …


VCD、Teaching cards、 Teddy手偶、魔法棒、魔法屋、动物的小图片、stickers


一.预热 1.用 Teddy手偶与小朋友们打招呼拉近距离,引出我的姓名,点明要变魔术,看动画片,布置看VCD时的任务,让小朋友喜欢上英文课。

2. 课堂常规的教授OK?-Ok! ; Are you ready?- Yes! 教会小朋友鼓励用语:Hey hey great! (鼓励表现好的小朋友+ stickers)

二.warm up 歌曲Fingers fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a bird, fly fly fly. ( turn to a monky, climb climb climb; turn to a frog, 呱呱呱)
三.story time 放VCD给小朋友们看,并引导跟读
四.words time 1.看完故事, What can you see in the video? 结合VCD直接先用TPR做小鸟的动作卡片引出单词bird , 领读,并做高低声练习。(鼓励表现好的小朋友+ stickers+ Hey Hey Great) 做拍卡游戏Who is right, who can touch my card with your hand! (做示范)

2.TPR做出monkey和frog,然后引出卡片,领读,并做高低声练习,拍卡游戏(touch with your tummy/hips).并鼓励小朋友!

3.用卡片复习bird, monkey, frog——用小图片引出句型 I can see a … (鼓励表现好的小朋友+ stickers)

五.Sentence time 1. 教授句型 I can see a… 然后教授 What can you see? 问答练习3-4次

2. 变魔术

渲染魔法气氛(出示魔法棒和魔法屋),I will put the bird into my magic house, and the magic words is — I can see a bird. 一边将图片放入魔法屋一边引领小朋友一起读句子。然后变魔术,变魔术的过程,练习句型。

3. 同样方法教授monkey和frog (鼓励句子说得好的小朋友+ stickers) 让小朋友拿魔法棒施展魔法,边说出句子I can see a monkey /frog.


六.Song time Everybody stand up. Let’s sing a song! + TPR做望远镜状,看Look !Look! 然后一起学习歌曲。