Step two: Presentation and practice.

1. T: (draws a tree) Look, this is a tree.

T: (shows some little pictures) I want to decorate it.我想把它装饰得漂亮点。Who can help me? 谁能做老师的小帮手?

T: Put the star … (拿出星星的小图片) on the tree.

S1: OK.

S: (try to follow)

T: Put the …in/ under the tree.


2. T: The tree is nice! I like to put the tree in the room. (画个房子)

T: Room.

S: (listen and say)

T: put the tree in the room.

S: (listen and follow)

Step three: Consolidation.

1. Listen and do.


2. Read the passage P27.

Step four: homework.

1. 听读P27内容15分钟。

2. 预习P28.

The third period

1. Teaching contents (P30)

Words: Christmas, here

Main structures: Merry Christmas!

Here are your presents.

Thank you.

2. Teaching procedures:

Step one : warming up

1. Greetings.

2. listen and do.

Step two: Presentation and practice.

1. Teach a Christmas song. 通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛:一,比较有趣味性,二,学生积极性提高.

2. T: (shows the tree)拿出上次装饰好的树。

This is a tree. It’s a Christmas tree.

S: 圣诞树!

T: This is a Christmas present.

S: 圣诞礼物。

T: Christmas.
