
Story time


1、通过歌曲环节学习单词these, those,并对比与this,that的区别。

2、通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。

3、通过学习Story time,能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词 pigs, cows , apples, pears.

4、能在真实的情景中运用What are these / those? Are these / those…?和日常交际用语Nice to meet you, Mike. Welcome to my farm. 进行交流。




1、通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。

2、能在真实的情景中运用What are these / those? Are these / those…?和日常交际用语Nice to meet you, Mike. Welcome to my farm. 进行交流。




Step1: Warm up

1.Sing a song 《These are apples》

Listen to a song

Teach the new words


图下: This is an ___________. These are ___________.

Teach’an apples, apples, these’


图下: That is an ___________. Those are ___________.

Teach’an orange, orange, those’

C. Try to sing the song

Step2 : Presentation

准备一些小动物头饰,再准备一幅农场的图画和歌曲《Old MacDonald had a farm》

T:(播放歌曲)Let’s listen to a song first.


T: (教师指着农场对学生说) Look, this is a farm. It’s Old MacDonald’s farm. What’s on the farm? (出示课题) 教师领读 on the farm.

(播放鸭子的叫声) Listen! What are these? They are ducks. (教师边说边把几只鸭子的图贴到农场上去)

Ss: (学生在教师指导下,戴上头饰,边做着小鸭子的动作边学边说单词)

T: (老师指着一组戴头饰的小朋友,运用What are these? 提问,引导学生回答They’re ducks.) 教师可以通过同样方式逐步引出其余三个小动物

2. Wathc and answer

Q: (PPT出示题目)What do Mike and Liu Tao see?

A. animals B. toys C. fruit D.friends

3. Listen and put

T:On the farm, we can see some aniamls and fruit on the farm. What are the animals? What are the fruit. Let’s listen to the tape then put the pictures on the blackboard..

(课前布置学生每人画一张Story time中自己喜欢的动物或水果图片,涂上颜色并剪好带到课堂)


T: What’s on the farm? Please put them on the picture.

老师指着空白处,一边询问,一边渗透新句型T:What are these?

S1: They’re …s. (一边贴图,一边说)

T:指着远处的一块问:What are those? Are those pigs?

Ss: No. They are cows. (贴图)


T: Are thse apples / oranges…?

S1: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

4. Look at the picture and answer

出示课文图T: Look, who are they?

Ss: They are Liu Tao, Mike and grandpa.

T: What are they talking about? Can you guess?

Ss: Hello,…。 This is …。

Teach’Welcome to my farm.’(教授时重点指导welcome的发音,教师引导学生模仿爷爷的口气说话。还可以提示学生想象一下还有什么场景可以使用。)

Step3 Consolidation

1.Read the dialogue after the tape

Read in role Read in groups Act out the story

2.Act Grandpa to introduce the farm

T: Now, you’re grandpa. Can you introduce your farm?

Ss: I’m Grandpa. I’m happy to see you. Welcome to my farm. Let me show you around my farm. Look, these are…。 Those are… They’re

Step4 Homework

1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation. 2. Try to recite the dialogue.

3. Copy the new words.


Unit 7 On the farm

What are these / those? Are these / those …?

They’re…s. 农场图 Yes / No. They’re…