
1、教学课题导入这一环节中。我对学生说:“Now let’s look at the pictures and the tips.”接着课件出示2004年中国乒乓球队在世界锦标赛的资料(附图)

2004年3月7日,中国乒乓球男队队员在领奖台上。在第47届世界乒乓球锦标赛男子团体赛决赛中,中国队以  3比0击败德国队,捧得斯韦思林杯。


图文并茂,学生很感兴趣。我抓住这个机会导入课题:“Our Chinese table tennis team have got a great success in the competition.(竖起大姆指) Do you like them?” 学生齐说:“Yes, we do.”我接着说:“Today we are going to learn the new Unit, Unit 8 Sports Stars.(Show the title) Now, a reporter and those Chinese Table Tennis Sports Stars are in the TV station. Let’s listen to the interview.”学生自然地进入了新课的学习。



1.Here are some famous sports people.Can you match them with their names by drawing line? Which sports are they good at? Please do the following exercise.

课件出示练习后,说:“DO you know these sports stars? Do you know which sport are they good at? Now talk about the pictures in groups. I give you three minutes.”全班同学马上组成四人小组,热烈地讨论起来。两分钟后,同学们便跃跃欲试地举起手,并大声齐呼“Let me try!”

3、在发展性练习这个环节中,让学生利用课前预先收集好的体育明星照片或剪报进行一个“采访”形式的活动。我说:“Show me your pictures of the sports stars. Do you want to be an excellent reporter? ( Yes.) Now , let’s make a survey in English and fill in the table . ”学生听到指令后,立即进入角色表演。
