




1、Class Opening and Review

①Sing “Summer’s Coming”


beach cloud ocean sand sandals

swim swimming pool swimsuit sandals

park flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look like

③Do some exercises on student books.

Listen carefully! Swim for the right answer. Fly for the wrong answer.

⑴What do you wear to go swimming?

⑵What does this cloud look like?

⑶What are they doing?

⑷Where will Jenny go for the summer holiday?

⑸What is on the tree? What is under the tree?

2、Story (将故事作为听力材料,听后作练习。)

① 边听边写出本单元学过的四会词语。(或给出材料填空)

② 按照记下的词语说句子。

③ 将这些句子连起来进行简单的复述。(小组为单位)

④ 小组代表展示。

⑤ 判断:

Baby Becky can fly a kite.

Next summer she will skip .

Baby Becky cried in this sory.

⑥ 回答问题:

When is next summer?

Can Baby Becky fly a kite in this story?

When will she fly a kite?

Can she skip?

When will she skip?

Does Baby Becky like next summer better than this summer?

Do you like this story? Why or why not?

3、Class Closing

Homework: Give a summary of this story.


Lesson 23: Are You Ready for a Quiz?

beach cloud ocean sand sandals

swim swimming pool swimsuit sandals

park flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look like

Baby Becky’s Summer

put on her swimsuit

fly a kite next summer