
帮助学生学习look and learn中的生词


sky evening night moon


Look and learn, sing a song




Step 1.pre-task preparations

1. 展示星星图片,和学生谈论星星。

T: there are some stars in the sky. Are they beautiful?

Ss: yes, they are.

T: do you like stars?

Ss: yes.

2. 多媒体播放sing a song的歌曲,显示歌词。学生跟唱。

Step 2 while-task procedures

1. 在黑板上画白天的天空和夜晚的天空,引入sky这个词,并通过提问使学生对sky有更深的印象。

T: look at the picture on the blackboard. What can you see in the sky?

S: I can see some birds/ kites/ clouds… in the sky..

2. 让学生看黑板上的图,对太阳月亮星星进行描述。

T:( draw the sun in the sky) look, children. This is the sky in the daytime. I can see the sun in the sky. (draw the moon and some stars in the sky) this is the sky at night. I can see the moon and some stars in the sky.


3. 学生看图,对太阳月亮星星进行描述。

S1: I can see the sun in the sky. It is big, red and round.

S2: I can see the sun in the sky. It is big and yellow. I like the moon.

S3: I can see many stars in the sky. They are bright.

Step 3 post-task activities

1. 教师描述场景, 学生自习听并用I can see…或 I can’t see…做出反映

T: I can see the sun in the sky. I can’t see the moon in the sky.

S1: close your eyes. Smell it. How does it feel?

T: it is evening. It is raining.

S2: it is evening. But I can’t see the moon and the stars in the sky.

2. 出示三段文字和图片,请学生仔细阅读并进行图文配对。

1) It is big, red and round. You can see it in the morning and in the afternoon. You can’t see it at night.

2) It is big and yellow. Sometimes it is round, like a ball. Sometimes it is like a banana. You can see it at night, but you can’t see it in the morning or in the afternoon.

3) Sometimes you can see them at night on a nice day. They are beautiful. You can’t see them on a rainy night or a cloudy night.

六、 Homework
