
1.复习巩固Part A 学习的5个单词,学习新单词sister, brother达到能熟练地听说认读这些单词。

2.完成句型教学,使学生理解句子Is he your brother / father /grandfather? Is she your sister/mother /grandmother?熟读并能结合Part A句型Who's that…?在实际语言环境中正确运用。





1. 单词教学


2. 句型教学






T:Hi,boys and girls.

SS:Hello,Miss Wang.

T:Nice to meet you.

SS:Nice to meet you,too.


Today,we'll go on learn Unit--Unit 2.Part B.


1. Review words.

At first, let's review the words. Let's watch the video of the words.观看动画帮助学生回忆Part A学过的六个单词(grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, man, woman)。

板书,进一步复习巩固单词。板书man,问指名学生读该单词,同样的方法复习woman。出示father, mother的单词图卡让学生认读并分类板书好。老师戴上花镜扮作老年人问:Who am I ?学生回答grandmother。老师用:grandmother love grandfather引出单词grandfather,也把它们分男女板书好。师领生读。

2.Learn new words.

Next, let's learn two new words--brother, sister. "brother" means “兄弟”,"sister" means “姐妹”。老师利用单词图卡直接教授新单词。男女分读加深学生印象,Boys read "brother", girls read "sister", please. Now, let's change. 挑选几组同学来读。

3.Words practice.

Let's read. Read after me, then, you're the teachers and I am the student. Let me follow you.


Game: man left, woman right.学生听老师读单词,如果单词是男性学生就向左跳,反之,向右。先由几名同学上讲台演示,然后集体玩这个游戏。When you hear a word of man, please jump to left, when you hear a word of woman, jump to right.


1. Review sentences.

OK, go on learn sentences. 板书:Who's that man?问学生:Do you remember this sentence? Let's read. 学生读后造句,老师板书Who's that man/boy? Who's that woman/girl?

Great! Now, I ask and you answer. Who's that woman/ man/ girl/ boy? 学生一起回答,再指名提问,引出本课新句型的学习。

2.Learn new sentences.

Who's that boy? Is he your grandfather? Is he your father? (No, he's my friend.)

老师板书好新句子,解释汉意,教读。Is he your grandfather/ father/ brother?

学生仿造句子,注意he/she的不同用法。Can you make some sentences like these? 老师把学生造的句子板书好,Is she your grandmother/ mother/ sister?

3.Sentences practice.

用多媒体课件展示人物卡片,师生就句子进行问答练习。Brother T: Who's that boy? Ss: He's my brother. Mother Ss: Who's that woman? T: Guess! Ss: Is she your mother? T: No, she's Mimi's mother. Man/woman Ss: Who's that man/woman? Sister/grandmother Ss: Is she your sister/grandmother? …

4.Let's talk.

通过多媒体教学课件展示课文对话内容,老师用课前准备好的教具给学生化装,布置照片,学生根据课文进行对话练习。Let's watch the video. Then, talk about your family photo like the video.


Today, we have learned 2 new words. They are "brother, sister", and a new sentence "Is he/she your…?"

Homework, read your books and talk about your family with your deskmates.

Class's over, goodbye!