
1. Beijing is the capital of China.

2. It’s in the north..


教学重点:north. south. east. west

教具:幻灯片 奖励用的英语贴图


T:Good morning Ss: Good morning

T: What day is today? Ss: ……

T: What’s the weather like today? Ss:……

这节课,我们开展小组竞赛,比一比哪一小组学习的较好。(把学生分为Group 1,Group 2, Group 3.小组回答正确的得到一颗星,优胜小组每人得到一个英语贴图)

T:Today we have lots of work to do. If you can answer my question. You will get a star for your group. Let’s have a look. Which group is the winner?

任务1:欣赏英国的名胜古迹,并能用英语说出来(利用幻灯片呈现Module 2 图片)

T:What are they in English?

What’s the capital of England? What’s the capital of America? What’s the capital of China?


T:Who can say them in English?


老师板书:Beijing is the capital of China. (注意Beijing 写在一起)

任务2:Look .Listen and answer


1.Where is London? 2.Where is Washington D.C? 3.Where is Beijing?

Ss: It’s here. (先让三个小组中的学生分别回答)

T:Now let’s listen and answer:

1.Where is Beijing? 2. Where is Washington D.C?

Listen again and answer:
