
Go on with the sentence patterns:

Who’s this/that? He’s/She’s …

Is he/she a …? Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isn’t.


“ Who’s this/that?” “He’s/She’s …”


“ Who’s this/that?” “He’s/She’s …”


picture cards, tape-recorder, projector, projector


Ⅰ。 Free talk

What’s the weather like?

Who’s that? That’s …

Ⅱ。 Presentation

1. Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.

2. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.

3. Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Jane, her mother, Mike, the children in the playground and the nurse.

4. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of six and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.

5. Use Storycards to revise the sequence and language of the story.

Ⅲ。 Write the correct answers. (P. 38)

1. Ask the pupils to read the story again.

2. I read the questions in Jane’s speech bubble with the pupils. Demonstrate how to write Mike’s first answer with the pupils as an example.

3. Check answers using Transparency.

Ⅳ。 Workbook (P.36)

1. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.

2. Tell the pupils to number the pictures according to the sequence of the language they hear on the cassette.


That’s my uncle. Is he a postman? Yes, he is. …


a: 4 b: 5 c: 2 d: 3 e: 1

Ⅴ。 Summary

1.Copybook P26

2.Workbook P36

3.Review PartC.


Unit 7 My neighbors

Who’s that?

That’s my aunt.

Is she a shop assistant?

Yes, she is.