4. Make a circle, hand in hand. 围成一个圈,手牵手。

5. No pushing. 别推别人。

6. Stand in a line. 站成一排。

7. Are you happy? 高兴吗?

8. Let’s go back. 咱们回去吧!

9. Put the book in your desk. 把书放进书桌。

10. Who wants to be the dog? 谁想当小狗?


1. Hurry up. 快一点。

2. No rushing. 请不要到处乱跑。

3. It’s dangerous. 危险。

4. Be polite, please. 要讲礼貌。

5. Say sorry to her, OK? 向她道个歉,好吗?

6. Behave! 别淘气。

7. Go to the washroom.. 去洗手间。

8. Wash your hands. 洗洗手。

9. Drink water. 喝点水。
