

1、能过听、说、读、写动词短语和其ing 形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone 。

2、能过听说、认、读句型 “What are you doing?”和其回答 “I’m doing the dishes/…。”。


1、能过简单表述自身正在干什么,如:I am cooking dinner.

2、能过用What are you doing?询问他人正在干什么。



掌握五个动词短语的-ing 形式,理解下一节课的主要句型 What are you doing ? 并能用 I am …。 来作答。



b、动词- ing形式的读音,特别是加 -ing 之后的连读。





Step1 Warming-up and Revision(热身互动,自然导入)

① Greetings and Sing a song:《what are you doing?》,师生一同演唱。(引出课题what are you doing? 教师板书课题unit 4 What are you doing?)

② sing a song 《I can help》:复习词组 do the dishes , cook the meals, set the table, water the flowers等 用句型: Are you helpful at home? What can you do? Can you …。。?

Step 2 Presentation and Practice (引入新知,操练巩固)

1. 接warming up 中的对话

T: I’m helpful at home too. Please guess what I can do at home? Look carefully! (教师利用教具做do the dishes 的动作) 引出do the dishes 教师领读 同时教师出示课件(教师正在doing the dishes)

T: What am I doing? Ask me (引导学生说what are you doing ) 教读doing the dishes (做动作,请学生模仿)

T: This time, Let's pass the dish one by one, and ask: What are you doing?( 全体同学一起打着节奏问:What are you doing? 当老师说:Stop时,拿到盘子的同学站起来边洗盘子边说:“I am doing the dishes.”)

2.T : I’m helpful. I can cook dinner too. Look!(出示课件cook dinner) 教师边做边说cook cook cook dinner I can cook dinner. (引导学生做动作说词组)

T: I am cooking dinner. What are you doing?(请正在做动作的学生回答问题) 教读cooking dinner. T: Mm----Yummy. SA. What are you doing? SA: I’m----.

3.T: Oh I’m tired. I want to have a rest. Wow there is a book. I can read a book.(repeat) Do you want to read a book? please read it.(把书给3-4个学生) (师指正在读书的学生说)read a book . 领读。

T:(师蹲下去问)What are you doing? (引导学生试着加ing,并读出) Please add-ing and try to read it. 教读reading a book (请全体学生读书)

T: What are you doing?

4. 当学生读到picture book时,老师课件展示pictures,并且问学生 Can you draw pictures ?然后老师在黑板上画画示范,边画边说:I am drawing pictures .自然将 drawing pictures引出,接着让学生来画画,亲身体验现在正在进行的这一动作。

5.教师自制电话 look! It’s a phone. Wow ,the phone is ringing. (电话铃声响起)

I’m sorry. Please wait a minute. Let me answer the phone.(老师拿起听筒)

Hello. It’s Miss Yang. I’m having English class. I’m very busy. Bye. (放下电话教学词组answer the phone , )

做Hide and seek游戏,把电话藏起来,通过一名学生找电话,全班同学用高低声提示,巩固这一动词词组。当学生找到电话,电话铃声再次响起,让学生试着加ing并读出。

T: Next, practise in pairs. Use your books, like this.(老师把英语课本卷起,作为电话听筒,并出示下面的对话。)

A: Hello.

B: Hi. It's ________ . What are you doing?

A: I'm answering the phone. What are you doing?

B: I'm _________ (drawing pictures /doing the dishes /cooking dinner / reading a book )


1. read after me 

do → doing doing the dishes

cook → cooking cooking dinner

read → reading reading a book

draw → drawing drawing pictures

answer→ answering answering the phone

2.Let’s chant ! (全班一起和男问女答)


I’m Play_ _ _ the piano.

I’m do_ _ _ homework.

I’m watch_ _ _ TV.

I’m fly_ _ _ kites.

引导学生加ing 然后完成自己的句子。(课前发)

4. 记者采访做现场报道。先是老师拿话筒访问学生,然后由学生四人一小组去采访。选3-4组展示。

5. 唱《What are you doing?》。


After school, please give your friend a call in English and talk about what you are doing at home.


unit 4 What are you doing?

What are you doing?

doing the dishes.

cooking dinner .

I am(I’m)

reading a book .

drawing pictures.

answering the phone .