
本课为新标准英语(一年级起始用)第七册第九模块第一单元,本单元教学主题为What happened to you? 本节课学生将学习用“What happened to you?”来提问来询问别人发生了什么事情,并能根据一定的场景来回答,摔倒,受伤,摔下来等并学习短语a bike ride, 和thirsty, watermelon, put这几个单词。




1、语言知识目标:在口语操练中复习和巩固已学的词汇和句型;掌握新单词thirsty,put,watermelon以及短语a bike ride.同时要求掌握句型What happened to you?以及了解fell off, fell on, fell over的区别。




1、能听懂会说 what happened to you?听懂会说happen, put, ride, thirsty, watermelon。对句型What happened to you?的掌握以及在生活场景中的运用。

2、教学难点是区分单词:fall over和fall off, fall on.




Step 1 热身复习

1. Greetings.

2. Sing a song.《we walked and walked》

Step 2 新知导入

1. New words

T: You did a good job. Today we are going to have four groups. I will give a nice name.(依次出示 apple, orange, banana, watermelon的图片, 同时教授新单词watermelon)

Play a game.: listen and do T: Now let’s play a game. Stand up, please.(教师依次发出指令并做动作) Show me your book. Put it on your hand Now put it on your head. Put it on your arm.

T: Oh, the book fell off my arm.(出示单词卡片教学新单词put, fall off,fell off)

展示中国滑冰运动员张丹在冬奥会摔倒的图片: T: What happened to her? Ss: She fell over. (出示单词卡教授 happen, happened)

出示图片T: Look at this picture, Daming and Sam went for a bike ride yesterday. Then they were hungry and thirsty. (结合场景教授单词 bike ride, went for a bike ride, thirsty)

Play a game.(火眼金睛)

T: Look at the screen, I’ll show some words, you should see it quickly, and then read it.

2. Text T: Daming and Sam went for a bike ride yesterday, but they had an accident. Now let’s look, what happened to them.

播放第一次录音回答下列问题:What did they buy? What happened to Daming? 第二次播放录音,让学生跟读并模仿录音内容,跟读两遍。

学生自由读文本并圈出单词were, went, happened, put, fell, bought 学生小组内分角色表演,然后班内展示。

Step3 专项训练

T: Now boys and girls, close your books. And try to complete the story.

Yesterday Sam and Daming ______ for a bike ride. They _____ hungry and thirsty. So they______ a watermelon. Sam ______ the watermelon on his bike. Then Sam _______ ________ his bike. And Daming ________ his head.


Step 4 内化巩固

T: We know the story about Sam and Daming. Look at these pictures, what happened to them?


图片1: The girl ran to the bus. Then she fell over.

图片2: The boy played football on the playground. Then he fell on the football.

图片3: The boy jumped on the bed. Then he fell off the bed.

图片4:The boy went for a bike ride. Then he fell off his bike.


Step 5 学以致用

T: 同学们,在我们的日常生活中,经常会遇到一些小意外。请回忆一下你的经历中都发生了哪些小意外,小组内进行交流。

Step 6 Home work:

1. Listen and retell the story.

2. Try to tell an accident about yourself for your classmates.


Module9 Unit 1 What happened to you?

went for a bike ride

were hungry and thirsty

bought put fell off fell on