
Sound time、Song time、Checkout time and Ticking time


1、通过单词复习和相应的练习,能正确地听、说、读单词 cow, pig, chicken, duck, pear, apple, orange.

2、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They’re…。 Are these / those…?

3、通过跟唱、分组唱、表演唱等方式,能会唱歌曲 On the farm



1、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They’re…。 Are these / those…?



1、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? They’re…。 Are these / those…?



Step1: Warm up


T: Good morning / afternoon, class.

Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Miss ...

Step 2. Song time

1. Play the song < Old MacDonald’s farm>

T: What animals are in the song?


(Play 小猪的叫声) T: What are these?

Ss: Are these …?

T: Yes / No. Pigs on the farm go ‘oink, oink.’

之后学生猜出其他动物,老师渗透歌词’… on the farm go …’


2. Learn the song

a. T: Listen, here’s a song. What animal is it?

Ss: Pigs.

b. Sing the song together

c. Make a new song (老师课前布置学生做好头饰,学生戴着pig, cow, duck等小动物的头饰进行表演唱)

T: (让同样小动物的学生站在一起)指着戴着头饰的学生问:What are these / those?

Ss: They are chickens, ducks, cows, pigs…

T: Yes, you’re right. Can you say some nouns have an ‘s’at the end?

Ss: Yes.

完成Ticking time 第二项打星部分

Step3 Read and write

1. T: Now you know so many animals. Look at this picture. (书49页) It’s a farm. Can you talk about the picture.

S1: What’s this?

S2: It’s a…。

S1: What’s under the tree?

S2: It’s a…。

S1: What are these?

S2: They’re …。

S1: What are those under the tree?

S2: They’re…。

2. T: Wow, you can say well. But can you write? Let’s try.

3. Check out the answer

(Chicken, oranges, cow, apples)


4. T: Can you talk about things on the farm?

S: Yes.

T: I think you can say well about farm. So let do the ticking time.

完成Ticking time 第一项打星部分

Step3: Sound time

1.Listen and repeat

T: Next, let's look at these words: farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome. What’s the same letter?

Ss: M.

Read these words after the teacher.

T: Ok. Let's read these words together.

Ss: farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome

T: Great! Read after me"/m/". Ss: /m/

T: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ farm ice cream make

Ss: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ farm ice cream make

T: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ mum welcome

Ss: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ mum welcome

T: 同学们,想想看,还有那些也是发这个音呢?

Ss: ...

T: Good!You are so clever. Look at the picture ,"Clever Tom f rom the farm makes ice cream for his mum."

What's the meaning of "make ice cream"?

Ss: 做冰激凌

T: How to say 来自于农场的聪明汤姆?

Ss: Clever Tom from the farm makes ice cream.

T: Follow me" Clever Tom f rom the farm makes ice cream for his mum.."

Ss: Clever Tom f rom the farm makes ice cream for his mum.


T: Can you say the sound of the letter ‘m’?

完成Ticking time 第三项打星部分

Step3 consolidation


2、Listen to me (Summary)。

Step4 Homework

1.Finish the exercises

2.know the sound of the letter ‘m’


M farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome

Clever Tom f rom the farm makes ice cream for his mum.