
1、 知识目标:能听懂、认读并会说单词shirt、number、 eight、ten 、nine、six ;能学会句子What’s my number? You’re number eight. And your number is six,Dean.

2、 能力目标:能用英语向他人询问自己的号码及学会正确应答;能用正确的语调来朗读句子。

3、 德育目标:培养学生积极的学习态度;通过小组合作学习和竞赛的形式,增强学生的竞争意识、团队意识和合作精神。






多媒体课件、实物衬衫 、 单词卡片


一、Warm up:


T : Good morning,class.

Ss : Good morning ,Miss Jiang .

2、Sing an English song “Number Song”

3、Review:(Show the pictures: car、 monkey 、ball 、pencil)T:What’s this? S:It’s a……

二、New lesson:

1、Leading in :

T:Jack 的学校就要举行运动会了,他们比赛前的准备工作做得怎么样了?Pangpang、Xiaolan、Paul、Dean他们都是几号呢?Now open your books and turn to page44.Today we’ll learn Lesson6 What’s Your Number?(板书课题)

2、Look at the pictures and think about:




3、(多媒体出示王老师给胖胖、小兰运动衫画面)Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

4、(出示shirt卡片)T:What’s this? S:It’s a shirt.

Study “shirt”and say it one by one.

T:What’s Pangpang’s number? S:8号

5、T(出示number和eight单词卡):number eight, number eight是8号。(四组学生分别齐读两遍;男女生分别读;开火车读)


6、(多媒体出示画面和录音内容)Listen to the tape: This is your shirt,Pangpang.

You’re number eight.

7、(教师手拿带有数字8的实物运动衫,走到一个学生跟前)T:I’m MissWang. This is your shirt,Pangpang. You’re number eight.

T:You’re MissWang.Let’s practice the sentences: This is your shirt,Pangpang. You’re number eight.

(Say them one by one.)

(教师让同学们把教师事先放在桌子里的数字卡拿出来,让是数字8的同学站起来)T:If you are number eight,please stand up.Other students are MissWang,tell them:you are number eight.

T: What’s Xiaolan’s number?

8、Listen to the tape: You’re number ten,Xiaolan.

S:Number ten.

(教师手拿带有数字10的实物运动衫,走到一个学生跟前为她戴上小兰的头饰)T:You’re Xiaolan. This is your shirt. You’re number ten.

9、T:你的同桌就是Xiaolan,请大家对他或她说“You’re number ten., Xiaolan.”

(教师让同学们把教师事先放在桌子里的数字卡拿出来,让是数字10的同学站起来)T:If you are number eight,please stand up.Other students are MissWang,tell them:you are number ten,Xiaolan.


10、(多媒体出示画面和录音内容)Listen to the tape carefully:What’s my number? Nine.Here is your shirt.

T:How does Paul ask Miss Wang?

S: What’s my number?

T:If you want to know your own number,you can ask: What’s my number? Now all the students are Paul,please ask me .

T: What’s Paul’s number?

S: Nine.

T: (出示nine卡片)OK.nine,nine,九九九,英文nine就是九。

Ss read it one by one.

(教师手拿Dean头饰)T: This is Dean. What’s Dean’s number?

11、(多媒体出示画面和录音内容)Listen to the tape carefully:And your number is six,Dean.

T:What’s Dean’s number?


(出示six卡片)Let the students read it one by one.Then read it in pairs.

T:How does Miss Wang say?

S: And your number is six,Dean.

T:Great!Now I am Dean,you are Miss Wang.Let’s ask and answer.Ready?

S: Ready.

T: What’s my number?

S: And your number is six,Dean.

T:This time,let’s change.

S: What’s my number?

T: And your number is six,Dean.You can say :You are number six.Practice the two sentences in pairs.

12、Listen to all the dialogue and repeat .


1、The teacher claps the hands and the students say the numbers.

2、Groupwork:Read the dialogue in roles.Then come to the front and act it.(生戴头饰表演)

3、Gessing game:The teacher write the numbers on the students’backs,let them guess the numbers.(Practice the sentences: What’s my number? You’re number/ Your number is……)

4、Play a game. One student faces to the blackboard ,the teacher puts the number on his/her back,the student asks: What’s my number? Other students answers: You’re number…… / Your number is……)

5、(师拿来一些上面带有数字6、8、9、10的实物衬衫,多媒体出示以下内容)Give the shirts to your friends.Using “Here/This is your shirt.You are number……/Your number is…… Thank you!

四、Sum up:

What did you learn?


1、Listen to the tape for 30 minutes.

2、Practice the dialogue with your parter.


Lesson6 What’s Your Number?

shirt number Here is your shirt.

eight ten What’s your number?

nine six You are number eight.

Your number’s six.