
答案) 1. A. that  B. hers  C. this

答案) 2. A. my   B. mine  C. yours

答案) 3. A. theirs  B. ours  C. her

答案) 4. A. he    B. she    C. me

答案) 5. A. us  B. our  C. her


1. 答案dog is this?

A. Who  B. Who  C. Whose

2. It’s a rabbit. It’s 答案.

A. my  B. mine  C. our

3. That picture 答案 Beijing is beautiful.

A. on  B. of  C. off

4. That’s 答案 dog.

A. my  B. mine  C. mys

   5. Whose book is this?

It’s 答案.

A. Mike  B. Mikes  C. Mike’s


1. 我的学校离这儿不远。

答案 school is not far from here.

2. 我们的足球队是全校最棒的。

答案 is the best football team in the school.

3. 桌子上的那本书不是我的。

The book on the desk isn’t 答案.

4. 我忘了带钢笔。我可以借用一下你的吗?

I forgot to bring my pen. May I use 答案?

5. 我的手表是旧的,但是他的是新的。

My watch is old, but 答案 is new.