
New words: sing, play, study …

Sentence patterns: What do you do in the …? We … and …


New words: sing, play, study …


Sentence patterns: What do you do in the …? We … and


Word cards, picture, tape-recorder


Ⅰ。 Greeting

How are you today?

Is there a library in the school?

Can we shout in the library?

Ⅱ。 Presentation

Bring in the plan of the school again.

Point to an appropriate room on the plan. Make sentences about what the pupils do in the room. For example, say We study in the classroom.

Drill the pupils by asking about the different rooms, e.g. What do you do in the dining hall? Encourage the more able pupils to use more than one verb by saying And? With rising intonation after they have told you one thing they do, e.g. S: We eat. T: And? S: We drink.

Show Transparency and play the tape. Point to the speech bubbles and get the pupils to repeat the sentences after the beeps.

Ⅲ。 Practice

Show Transparency and play the tape. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.

Show Ss the characters and explain Mike is in Pat’s school.

Point to the pictures and ask, for example, what do you do in the playground? Encourage the pupils to make a sentence about each small picture in the thought bubbles.

Show the pupils, using the sentences in the speech bubbles, that when we talk about more than one thing we can use … and … to link the actions. We can also use …, too to link a sentence to a previous sentence.

Point to Pat’s thought bubbles in picture 3. help Ss to link the actions shown by saying … and … or …, too.

Ask the pupils to work in pairs to complete the conversation. The pupils take turns to role-play P and M.


Copybook 6

Workbook 7

Review what we learned today.


Unit 2 At school

What do you do in the playground?

We line up and sing.

We play, too.


1.We surf the internet/ play computer game in the computer room.

2.We sing and dance/ have a show in the hall.

3.We swim in the swimming pool.

jump, run, read, write, etc.