
本课是外研社小学英语三年级起点三年级上册第三模块Unit1。《英语课程标准》中对本课的教学有着明确具体的目标要求和教学建议。课标里强调:学生能根据老师的简单指令做动作、做游戏、做事情。能做简单的角色表演。本课非常注重学生语言应用能力的培养,在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法都采用了与学生紧密联系的生活实际,真正体现了语言的交际功能,同时,它把知识和技能目标融会在了完成任务的过程之中,从而体现出了英语新课标提出的把话题--- 功能---结构---任务结合起来的总思路,为培养学生运用英语进行交流打下良好的基础。


本节课为新标准英语小学三年级起点第一册第三模块第一单元第一课时。本单元主要语言功能是运用祈使句,围绕“发出指令和执行指令”这一题材开展。主要学习 Piont to the…句型。此题材非常生活化,贴近学生的生活实际,是学生感兴趣的话题之一,这能使学生学以致用。通过学习“Point to the door,stand up”等指令,进一步提高学生运用语言的能力。


小学三年级学生由于刚接触英语,对英语有好奇心,思维活跃,喜欢模仿,喜欢游戏、表演类活动。在此之前也学过了简单的Greetings和 Introductions这两个话题以及相关的单词和句型:Hello, Good morning, what’s your name?How are you? I’m fine, thank you.因此,在本节课中,可先进行greeting和introduction,激活了学生的知识后,再进行可理解性语言输入。然后借助图片和情景,采用歌曲、游戏、表演等动静结合的活动形式,激活学生原有语言知识,带动学生学习积极性,从而培养学生学习兴趣、培养合作学习的习惯。


1.语言知识目标:(1)功能:听懂课堂指令,识别教室内的物品,发布课堂指令。(2)语法:全体学生能初步运用Point to…;(3)词汇:全体学生能理解point, to, door, window, blackboard, bird, stand, up, sit, down 部分学生能理解the 全体学生能初步运用door, window,blackboard.(4) 语音:能感知英语韵律

2、语言目标:(1)听:全体学生能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应动作。(2)说:全体学生能说Point to… 部分学生能说Stand up! Sit down!(3)读:全体学生能整体感知Point to the door/window.(4)写:全体学生能视觉感知Point to the door/window.(5)运用:全体学生能运用:“door, window, bird”进行“Point to…”的活动。





学习blackboard,door 和window三个单词和Stand up. Sit down. 和Point to…三个指令性短语。


能够理解Stand up. Sit down. 和Point to三个指令性短语的意思,并在老师的帮助下灵活运用,指认身边的实物及图片。


1. Task 1——What’s missing?:检验目标1、2 、4、5

2. Task 2——Role play:检验目标1、2、3、4

3. Task 3——Listen and choose(选择正确的句子打√):检验目标2 、3、4

4. Task 4——Talk and act:检验目标1、2、3、4、5


根据对话教学的特点和课程标准对三年级对话教学的要求,遵循“基于教材,着眼整体,逐步推进”的原则,在本课的设计中,主要采用以游戏教学法为主,情景法、直观演示法、全身反映法等教学方法为辅。通过热身、新课导入、新课讲解、 课文讲解、反馈练习、归纳总结六个步骤,运用学生感兴趣的游戏活动,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。





1. 问候

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Ms Tang.

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine, too. Thank you.

2. 唱歌《Hello, Hello》

T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s sing a song《Hello, Hello》。 OK? Stand up, please.(双手抬起,做指示动作)


T: You did a good job. Sit down,please.(双手下压,做指示动作)



1. 引出盼盼并观看第一部分动画。

T: Boys and girls, let’s know a new friend. Look, this is Panpan. It’s a panda. Please say “hello” to Panpan. This class, we’ll study with Panpan. Let’s come on. OK? Panpan’s Dad gives him some orders. Please look and listen.

2. 引入point to

T: (依次出示单词卡片hello, hi, you, I)Look, this is …。(贴在黑板上)Boys and girls, show me your fingers. Point to …。

大屏幕出现point to 的单词及图片。

T: Point to. What’s the meaning?

【设计意图:通过介绍新朋友熊猫盼盼,自然地引出活动1的动画。接着认读歌曲中出现的四个单词并听句子指单词,让学生初步感知“point to …”,明白“point to”的意思。本环节既是对单词的复习,激活了学生的已学知识,又能让学生快速地进入英语学习状态,自然而然地呈现了“Point to …”这一句型。】

3. Listen and say.(听录音跟读)

Point to “hello”!

Point to “hi”!

Point to “you”!

And point to”I”!

三、呈现与机械操练(Presentation and controlled practice)

1. 学习单词door, window, blackboard


T: Boys and girls,look at Panpan. Please guess: Point to the …



T: Show me your fingers. Where’s the door?

生指,师将单词卡片贴在门上。练习句子”Point to the door.”

(用同样的方法学习window, blackboard.)

window操练形式: 每次请一名同学高举卡片,当小老师,带领其他同学读。

blackboard操练形式: Touch and say


a. Say and do the action

door, door, door (双手交叉)

window, window, window (双手摸肩)

blackboard, blackboard,(用手指比划一个长方形)


b. I say you do

(3)Task 1——What’s missing?(看看少了什么?)

【设计说明:利用多种不同方式操练,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力;以chant的形式进行练习,避免了学习单词的枯燥乏味,使学生轻松掌握新的语言知识,体现了学习的主体和以人为本的教育观。Task 1对学生单词掌握情况进行评价。】

2. 呈现课文文本,找一找课文中出现的句子Point to …


T: Who’s this? Yes, this is Ms Smart. She’s an English teacher. She’s having an English class. Now, Let’s learn“Module 3 unit 1 Point to the door”(板书课题)。In the classroom, Ms Smart gives some orders to Lingling. Please listen and find.


(2)出示图片,分别操练Point to the door; Point to the window; Point to the blackboard.

(3)I do you say.(师做生说句子)

3.句子Stand up与Sit down.


T: Boys, stand up.

Point to the …

Sit down.

Girls, stand up.

Point to the …

Sit down.

Boys and girls, stand up. Sit down.

Stand up. Sit down. Stand up. Sit down.

(2)Listen and say.(看动画,听句子录音)


a. 师生边说边做相反的动作。

b. 组与组之间你说我做。

c. Bomb game.

T: If you see a sentence, please read it; if you see a bomb, please say “Bang”。


4. 课文朗读

1. 再听录音,回答问题:课堂上发生了一件什么事情呢?

T: Ms Smart is having an English class. Suddenly, someing happens in the class.Let’s see.

2. 出示小鸟图片,学单词bird.

3. 学习tweet,tweet.

T:Please listen to the bird.(听音)

Ss读Tweet, tweet.

T: Let’s say: “Hello, Tweet, tweet.”

4. Listen, point and say.(跟读)

5. Task 2——Role play.

T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s get in groups of four. One is Ms smart, one is the bird, and the other two are boys and girls. OK? Please pay attention to pronunciation. Now, start to practice.


四、意义操练(Guided-controlled practice)

Task 3——Look and choose.

五、交际操练(Free practice)

Task 4——Talk and act.

T: Boys and girls, let’s talk and act to complete the dialog. This is Dad, and this is Panpan. Let’s read the dialog. Now I’m Dad. Who is Panpan? (师与生进行示范)OK, now in pairs please.

Task 4 Talk and act


Pan Dad:Hello,Dad.

Pan Dad:Stand up.

Pan Dad:Point to the……

Pan Dad: Point to the……

Pan Dad:Sit down.



1. 请学生说说本节课学会了什么。

T: Boys and girls, this class, what have you learned?

2.歌曲《Stand up》

T: Now, please listen to a song 《stand up》




T: Wonderful. This is the homework. Please exchange what you learned between your classmates. And then play this game. Please remember “It’s rude to point at people.”Ok? Boys and girls,Panpan says, this class, you’re very very good. Clap for you. That’s all for today.Let’s say “Goodbye”to Panpan. Goodbye boys and girls.



Module 3

Unit 1 Point to the door


Point to the window


Stand up!

Sit down!