1 Listen,point and find"going to".

Are you going to go to middle school this



I'm really excited.我真是太激动了。

What are you going to study there?你打算在那里学什么呀?

I'm going to study History,Science,Geography...我打算学习历史,科学,地理。..

lots of new things.好多新的东西。

What about you?你呢?

Well,we're going to go back to England.我呀,我打算回英国去了。

And we're also going to start a new school.而且我们也打算去上一个新的学校。

Only Amy and I can speak Chinese there!在那里只有我和艾米会说中文。

Chiese will be very useful for us.中文对于我们来说非常有用。

And English is useful for me,too.而且英语对我来说也很好用。

We'll always be friends!我们将永远是好朋友!

We can write and send lots and lots of emails!我们能写并且发送好多好多电子邮件。

I know.我知道。

But I will miss you both但是我将会很想你们两个的

We'll miss you,too.我们也会想你的。

2 Listen and say.

Are you going to go to middle school this



I'm really excited.我真的很兴奋。

I will miss you.我会想念你的。

I will miss you,too.我想念你,太。