教学目标(Teaching Aims)

掌握词汇:family, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma, dad, wife, husband, daughter, son, parent(s), big, England, aunt, uncle, afternoon, do, seat, like, look like, doctor, worker

理解词汇:family tree, hat, guess

语音:/ei/ a / ? /a /p/ p /b/ b /t/ t /d/ d

句型:Come and meet the family.

Go and see. I think it’s …

Nice to see you. Glad to meet you.

Please come in.

Good afternoon. How do you do? Please have a seat.



本单元的教学内容是“确认人物”(Identifying people)。整个单元围绕Jims family展开,通过Jim和Li Lei谈论a picture of Jims family, Li Lei拜访Jim一家人,营造了贴近日常生活的语言环境。本单元第33课由a picture of Jims family开始,由听力材料,对话文字材料,图片和图表组成。主体部分力材料,第34课的Ask and answer是对前一课的简要复习。Read and act是对人的确认,以及Li Lei来访,在门口与Jim相会话的主体有变化。Li Le与Jim的父母会面,用的是正式体(formal)。第36课通过Look and say复习本单元内容。通过音标教学,进行辨音听力练习,并复习小结所学名词所有格、祈使句及有用短语。


1)名词所有格:Jim’s sister Kate’s brother

my father’ name my mother’s mother

2)祈使句: Please come in. Go and see. Come and meet the family.


通过本单元教学,使学生懂得待客的礼节,不论是在西方国家,还是在素有礼仪之邦美称的中国,不论是去别人家坐客,还是别人到自己家拜访,对待长辈,对待客人,对待兄弟姐妹都该有礼貌,客人来访,请人进屋说:“please come in”“This way,please.”给别人作介绍用This is…,认识之后要互相问候,说:“Nice to meet you”“How do you do?”等。请人入坐:“Please sit down.”
