S4: My favourite animal is a panda. What about you?

T: My favourite animal is a dog.

T: Do you like dogs?

SN: Yes, I do.

设计思路:改变以往Free talking这一环节的走过场、模式化倾向。课一开始,力求在课堂上创设一种真实、自然的交际情境,使整个课堂氛围和谐自然,好像大家在一起聊天。

Step 2: Draw and Talk

先在黑板上画自己喜爱的东西,对这些东西展开讨论并引出新授句型What do you like?,然后围绕新授句型通过一个简单对话来进行操练。

(1)紧接上面的自由交谈,当我问到Do you like pandas/…?学生回答Yes, I do.时就请这位学生到黑板上把这样物品用简笔画画下来。(car, bike, kite, bus, toy panda, toy giraffe…)

T: Do you like pandas?

S1: Yes, I do.

T: Draw a panda on the blackboard, please. (Use body language help S1 try to understand.)

T: Do you like cars?

S2: Yes, I do. ( Call S2 draw a car on the Bb.)

T: Who can draw a bus/kite/bike…?(Call 5 students draw, teacher write the words beside the pictures.)


T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a car.

T: Yes. It’s Frank’s blue car. (Teacher take out the toy car and say.)And this is my car, this is my toy car. That is Frank’s blue toy car.

S2: And this is a kite./It’s a yellow kite. /It’s Bobby’s yellow kite./It’s Bobby’s big yellow kite. (Teacher point at the pictures and let students talk about the pictures. Encourage the students to use more words to describe.)
