Review Modile Unit 1 Yesterday Was a Special Day

Now listen,repeat and check your answers.

Yesterday was a special day.昨天是个特殊的日子。

I usually go to school.我通常都会去上学。

But yesterday,I didn't go.但是昨天,我没有去。

There was no school.昨天不上学。

There was lots and lots of snow.昨天下了好大好大的雪。

I stayed at home.我呆在家里了。

I watched TV.看电视。

I did my homework.做家庭作业。

I helped my Mom.帮妈妈干活。

We didn't go to the park.我们没有去公园。

And we didn't go to the supermarket.我们也没有去超市。

We played with the snow.我们到雪地里玩雪了。

And we made a snowman.我们堆了一个雪人。

It was fun!真好玩!

Listen and point.

Yesterday,Lingling Listened to CDs.昨天,玲玲听了CD.

Then she went swimming.后来去游泳。

Then she painted the picture.接着又画画了。

Sum watched TV.萨姆看电视了。

Then he cleaned his bike.后来擦洗他的自行车。

Then he played football.接着又去踢足球了。