Let’s read together.

3、游戏:Who is she(he)?请一名幼儿出示自己的爸爸妈妈的照片,给小朋友做介绍。

T:Now let’s play a game. Please take out your photos. I’d like one of you to come to the front. XX, please.

Who is he?

C1:He’s my father。

T: Who is she?

C2:He’s my mother。 (可引导幼儿问)Who is he/she?

4、游戏魔术棒:把小朋友带来的父母的照片放在一张桌子上,用一根能粘东西的魔术棒粘照片。粘上后,老师或小朋友问Who is he/she?拥有该照片的小朋友回答.

T: Look,here’s a magic wand. Look at me. I’ll give you a surprise, oh, a phote. Who is he/she?

C:he’s my father(or: she’s my mother.)




T:Look,it’s a baby’s home. Who wants to be junjun? Who wants to be junjuin’s mother and father?(请三个小朋友上台,其中当爸爸,妈妈的小朋友可扮成老师,医生等角色,站在一长方形相框后)

T:(敲门)Excuse me?

J:Yes?Who is it?

T:It’s me,Miss XX。

J:Come in,please。

T:Thank you。Who is he?

J:He’s my father。

T:What’s your father?

J:He’s a doctor。

(录音机播放歌曲My father and my mother 请幼儿欣赏)(游戏可多进行几组)


T:How clever you are! You are catching fast. I’m very glad. Thank you. Oh, time’s up. Let’s have a rest. Bye-bye,children.

C: Bye-bye, Miss X.


