
答案) 1. Tom is in the kitchen.

答案) 2. John show Tom The English book.


1. My father is w答案TV.

2. W答案storybook is this ?

3. No, they aren’t .They are l答案to music.

4. K答案to the right.

5. We are h答案Chinese class now.


答案)1.What are they doing?    A. 它在和妈妈玩耍。

答案)2.They’re eating lunch!    B. 它们在干什么?

答案)3.What’s the little monkey doing? C. 那只小猴子在干什么?

答案)4.It’s playing with its mother.   D. 它们在吃午饭!

答案)5.Shhh. Talk quietly.     E. 嘘,小声讲话。


1. I can 答案you the English books.

A. look B. show C. see

2. Can I 答案the books here ?

A. read  B. see  C. look

3. 答案 your desk clean.

A. Put  B. Do  C. Keep

4. Can I have some juice, please ?答案

A. Of course.
B. Thanks .
C. Yes, I am.

5. The cats are playing 答案 the boy.

A. with  B. in  C. and