5. 单独使用的few是泛指的,但是当它受定冠词修饰时,它表示特指意义,即用来指指已经确定或熟悉的某个小群体,其意为“为数不多的”“少数的”。如:

Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms. 把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。

若the few单独使用(即其后不接名词),它与the many相对,意思是“少数人”,这是一种非常正式的用法。如:

Real power belongs to the few. 真正的权力掌握在少数人手里。

6. 用于what few,其意为“极少的(几个)”“仅有的(几个)”,虽然强调数量很少,但仍有一定的肯定意味;这样用的what与定冠词的用法相似,用于说明特指的可数名词,有时可以与定冠词换用,意思不变。如:

What few friends she has are out of the country. 她仅有的几个朋友都在国外。

The ten men have packed what few belongings they have. 这10个人已将他们仅有的一点行装打点好了。

7. 几个词序问题:

(1) 与another搭配时,置于another之后。如:

I’m staying for another few weeks. 我还要再呆几个星期。

The road runs northeast for another few miles. 这条路向东北方又延伸了几英里。

(2) 与every搭配时,置于every之后。如:

We meet every few days. 我们每隔几天就会一次面。

Every few days there seemed to be another setback. 每隔几日似乎就有一次挫折。

(3) 与first, last, past, next搭配时,置于其后。如:

He has lived here for the last few years. 最近几年他住在这里。

The next few days are going to be wet. 往后几天都要下雨。

I’ve seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她。

The first few chapters are about his early days. 前几章谈他的少年时期。

(4) 与more搭配时,置于其前。如:

I advise waiting a few more days. 我建议再等几天。

I have a few more pages to read yet. 我还有几页要看。

(5) 与such搭配使用时,置于such之前。如:

I’ve met few such people. 那样的人我见得很少。
