



2. 情感态度目标:








1. Greetings and warmming-up.

T: Is everyone here? Are you ready for class?

S: Yes, I’m ready.

T: How’s the weather today?

S: It’s a sunny day.

T: I like this sunny day. I feel very happy. Do you feel happy?

S: Yes.

 2. Presentation.

T: We know Li Ming, Jenny and Danny are in Beijing. They’re having fun. Look! What are they doing?

S: laughing/flying a kite/taking a picture/shoopping …… w W w . X k b 1.c O m

T: Is Jenny happy? S: Yes.

T: But now Jenny is sad. Why? Because Jenny misses her mother very much. She wants to say her mother? What does she do?

 3. Story

T: What’s this? Can you guess?

S: computer.

T: Yeah, you are very clever! Do you like to play computers?

S: yes!

T: we can play games, we can study, we can watch a movie. And we can also send an e-mail. Look! Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are here. What are they doing?

S: They are sending an e-mail.

T: Excellent!

T: now, let’s learn a story “ Little Zeke sends an e-mail”。 Who is Little Zeke? Look ! this is Emma and Little Zeke. Little Zeke is Emma’s friend. They want to send an e-mail to Emma. But what happened? Watch the video and answer the two questions. Where is Emma live? Who gets the e-mail?

T: now let’s look at the story together. Boys, you are Danny. Girls, you are Jenny. Read

y? Go! (分角色朗读)

T: Very good! Question, where does Emma live?

S: She lives in Otttawa.

T: And Jenny wants to send an e-mail to her…… S: school.

T: Yeah! Great! Look! This is the e-mail.

From the e-mail, what’s the time in Beijing?

S: it’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

T: But in Ottawa, what’s the time? Can you find it? S: it’s three o’clock in the morning.

T: What are you doing?

S; we are sleeping.

T: I am sleeping, too. Do you know what’s Emma doing? Let’s go on.

T: Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are talking. Now, take out your paper, the small one. Work in threes. Read the dialogue.(分角色朗读)

T: Stop! Time is up. Can you tell me what’s Emma doing ?

S: sleeping

T: Who wants to be Danny/Jenny/Li Ming

(学生角色扮演) ……

T: We know Jenny is sleeping. Guess,who is sending an e-mail to Jenny.

S: Little Zeke.

T: Wonderful! It’s Little Zeke. Now, open your book, turn to page 89. I giveyou three minutes to read by yourselves. Ok? Then answer these question.(配套练习)

T: Does Li Ming ,Danny, Jenny know Little Zeke? Read it quickly.

T: that’s all for the story “Little Zeke sends an e-mail”。 Now, open your book and read the story. Then do the practice. Understand? Ready, go! ……

T: let’s check the answer together.


Little Zeke makes a mistake.

Pleasewrite an e-mail to him and give him some suggestions. Then send it to

me. My mailboox: 834288591@qq.com


Lesson18 Little Zeke Sends an E-mail

It’s two o’clock
