

1、“四会”单词及词组:turn on ,turn off, put away, take out, trash,light,put on,hang up,clean up,in a minute,later,very good.


Can you take out the trash,please?

Sure.I’ll take it out.

Can you hang up my clothes?

Sure.I’ll hang them up in a minute.

Can you clean up my room,please?

Sorry.I’m busy now.



Can you turn on the light,please?

Sure.I’ll turn it on.







二、理解并灵活运用句型:Can you do sth?

Sure.I’ll do sth..



二、句型的活用及turn it

on,take it out,hang them up 的正确



The First Period

(Vocabulary and Target)

教学内容:turn on the light;turn off the TV;take out your notebook;put away your books; take out the trash.

Can you take out the trash,please?

Sure.I’ll take it out.

一、 热身活动:

1、 问候:师生间互相打招呼问好并自由对话,营造英语氛围

Where were you yesterday?Did you go to the park last Sunday?

What are you go to do today?No,I didn’t.

2、复习:出示图片,复习句型:What will the weather be like in the afternoon?

It will be warm and sunny.

Will there be a balcony ?

No,there won’t.


1. 上课前将窗帘拉上,走进教室时,看看教室说:It’s dark.. It’s bad for your eyes.

Please turn on the light.(作手示) 重复几次,板书:

Can you turn on the light ?

Sure. I will turn it on.

贴上图片,学习词组:turn on the light

2. 创设情景,同样方法教学词组:turn off the TV, put away your books ,take out your notebook, take out the trash.

3. Play a game : A、Look at my mouth and guess the phrases.

B、Make a small dialogue after model.

4.Listen to the tape first, then listen and read after it .

5.Learn Target.

Listen and read after the tape.

6.Read by yourselves.


学生随意抽取一张卡片上的短语造一个表示请求的句子,如:Can you turn off the light?另一学生用动作表演回应请求,接着,请其他的学生继续进行活动。


五﹑Homework:Copy the new phrases and sentences.



Unit 11 Can you put away your toys ?

a picture a picture Can you take out the trash ?

turn on the light turn off the TV Sure. I’ll take it out .

a picture a picture

take out the trash take out your notebook

a picture

put away your books


The Second Period

(Vocabulary, Target, Conversation,WB-P37 1,2)

教学内容:put on your coat, hang up your clothes, clean up the room, in a minute, later.

Can you hang up my clothes? Sure. I’ll hang them up in a minute.

Can you clean up my room, please? Sorry. I’m busy now.

一、 热身活动:

1、 问候:师生用英语自由对话,营造英语氛围。

2、 复习:出示图片,复习上节课所学的词组和句型。

二、 教学呈现:

1、 创设情景,拿一外衣做“穿上”的动作对学生说:

Put on your coat ,please .

2、 创设情景,运用图片学习hang up。

Can you hang up my clothes ?

Sure. I’ll hang them up in a minute.

3、 同样学习:

Can you clean up my room, please?

Sorry.I’m busy now .

4、 Listen to the tape and read after it .

5、 Read conversation by themselves first. Find out the word later and learn it .

6、 Listen to the tape . Listen and repeat .

三、 Exercises:完成WB-p.37的练习(1)和(2)。

四、 Activity:


五、 小结:总结这节课学生学习的得矢。

六、 Homework :Copy and recite conversation.


Unit 11 Can you put away your toys ?

a picture a picture Can you hang up my clothes ?

put on your coat hang up your clothes Sure . I’ll hang them up in a m a picture clean up the room Can you clean up my room ?

in a munite later Sorry .I’m busy now .


The Third Period

(Practice;Song activity;Activity)

一、 热身运动:

1、 问候:师生问候。

2、 复习:复习上两节课所学的知识。

二、 Practice1

先让学生用笔在书上根据图写出词组turn on ,put away , turn out , take out .再听录音选对图片。让一学生用这个短语造一个表达请求的句子,如:Can you turn on the radio?如果句子对了,就 请其他的学生回答:Sure . I’ll turn it on now .

三、 Practice2 Pair work 让两个学生结成对子,进行对话表演练习。最后请几对有信心的学生列前面来为全班表演对话。

四、 Song activity

1、运用磁带,学会歌曲:Can you take out the trash?

2、 学生学会后,用其它的词组套用歌词,改变顺序唱这首歌。


使用单词卡片now,in a minute,later.邀请三个学生到教室前面来,给每人一张卡片。把其余的学生分成几个小组。把一套学生卡堆放在桌子上,每组轮流抽出一张,并根据抽出的卡片向其中一个被邀请的学生提问,如:Can you (take out the trash)?被问的学生则根据自己手中的卡片回答,如果他/她说Sure,I’ll do it now.并表演相应的动作,那么,那一组可得一分。如果被问者给予其他回答,那一组则不得分。在轮到下一组抽出卡片收回来。洗一下牌,再重新发给他们。

六、Homework Listen to the tape at home and sing the song . Play the

game----Activity after class or after school.


The Fourth Period

(Sounds and words ; Workbook P37- 3 ,4)

一、 热身活动:

1、 问候:师生问候。

2、 复习:复习这单元所学的词组。

二、 教学活动:

1、 用实物和图片,学习和复习:purple,pants,pineapples,peaches ,pink, paper clips.注意[p]音,并把它们写在黑板上以做参考。

2、 Look , circle and say


3、 Exercise: 完成 WB-P40 的练习 3和 4

三、 Homework Read Sounds and words. Recite Conversation and

we’ll have a dictation.
