

Unit3 A Visit to the Zoo Lesson5的核心教学内容是让学生谈论动物及其栖息地和食物,其中包括四个词汇(kangaroo, penguin, the South Pole, bamboo)的教学,以及用“Where are you from? I’m from…/ What’s your favorite food?”的句型来谈论动物的栖息地和食物。



1. 能听、说、认读下列单词:bamboo, kangaroo, penguin, the South Pole

2. 能听、会说下列句子:where are you from? I’m from…/ what’s your favorite food?

3. 能熟读Learn to say内容,会做Look and write部分内容。


1. 培养学生自主拼读及记忆单词的能力。

2. 能谈论熟悉的动物及其栖息地和食物。


1. 通过本课的学习,教育学生爱护动物,保护环境。

2. 通过各种活动,让学生感受英语的魅力,提高学习英语的兴趣。

3. 教学重点与难点


New words:bamboo, kangaroo, penguin, the South Pole Sentences:where are you from? I’m from…/ what’s your favorite food?


1. 新单词penguin和the South Pole的认读。

2. 谈论pandas, kangaroos, penguins栖息地及食物。


根据以上对教材的分析,我采用情景法、直观法、多媒体辅助法、全身反映法等教学方法。坚持以话题为核心,以功能、结构为主线,以任务型活动安排本课教学。由歌曲Ten Little Baby Ducks和自由英语对话开始,创设外语语言氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。


本节课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,通过两年的学习,他们已具备一定程度的听读能力,但说写这两个方面还有待加强。在此之前,他们已经学过本课中出现的“Where are you from? I’m from…/ What’s your favorite food?”,对于一些动物,食物,国家等相关词汇也有了一定的积累。





Step 1 Warming up:

1. Greetings.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Tu.

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine. Thank you.

2. Sing a song: Ten Little Baby Ducks

3. Free talk

【设计意图】通过Free talk既让学生复习了之前学过的句型:where are you from? I’m from…/ what’s your favorite food? 又拉近了师生之间的距离,而Sing a song营造教学气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时也为学生正式进入学习状态做好铺垫。

Step 2 Revision:

1. Look and match: 连线国家和国旗

2. Review the words of animals.


T:what animals can you see in the zoo?

3. 揭示课题

T: Now we are going to visit the zoo and know about more animals. Today we’re going to learn Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo, Lesson 5.


Step 3 Presentation

One:Learn the new words:

T: There are many animals in the zoo. Now we are going to know about two new friends: kangaroo and penguin.

1. Listen and find:听录音找出新的动物单词kangaroo,penguin

2. T出示kangaroo的图片及单词卡片,teaching: kangaroo(分音节教读) oo /u:/, roo, kan-ga-roo

3. T出示penguin的图片及单词卡片,teaching: penguin(rising tone or falling tone) in, uin /win/, pen-g-uin

4. PPT出示panda, kangaroo, penguin以及China, Australia, the South Pole和 食物grass, fish, bamboo的图片,then find out where the animals are from and what their favorite food is.

(1) Panda is from China. Panda’s favorite food is bamboo.教学bamboo(大 小声) am, b-am, oo/u:/ b-oo, b-amb-oo

(2) Kangaroo is from Australia. Its favorite food is grass.

(3) Penguin is from the South Pole. Penguin’s favorite food is fish. 教学the South Pole (one by one)

5. Play games

(1) 快速反应



请一位学生上台,帮他带上他喜欢的动物头饰,他现在就是这只可爱的小动物,全班学生大声问他三遍where are you from? / what’s your favorite food?问完后马上回答I’m from…/ My favorite food is…



1. 翻开课本21页,教师播放教学光盘,学生边听边看,找出本课新单词并大 声读出来。

2. 播放课文录音2至3遍,让学生逐句跟读,并采用不同形式模仿跟读。

3. 创设情境,分角色表演对话内容。

4. 盖上书本,根据PPT提示完成挖空部分。

A:_________________________, panda?

Panda:I’m from China.

A: What’s your favorite food?

P: _________. …

【设计意图】回归文本,做到句不离篇,通过听、仿、读让学生熟练掌握where are you from? I’m from…/ what’s your favorite food?的用法,谈论动物的栖息地食物的表达法,课文教学先让学生整体感知,接着学生带着任务有目的再次听音,并根据课文内容进行挖空填空,分角色表演对话,调动了学生的眼、耳、等多种器官参与学习过程,深入了解课文内容,为课文的拓展练习做好铺垫。

Step 4 Consolidate

1. Part3 Look and write(P23)。

(1) Look at the pictures and say it, then write.

(2) Ask some students to say it, then correct.

2. Talk about your favorite animals.


Step5 Summary




Step 6 Homework

1. Write and recite the new words.

2. Recite part 1 Learn to say.

3. Read and answer on page 24.


Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo

Lesson 5

Where are you from?

What’s your favorite food?

Panda China bamboo

Kangaroo Australia grass

Penguin the South Pole fish